Book Two: Chapter One

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The woman slowly opened her eyes and blinked as sun seeped in through the blinds above her head. The light fragmented across the room and  dimly illuminated the open door. Ochaco turned her head and looked at the empty, wrinkled spot in the bed next to her."Izuku," sleepily muttered the brunette. 

The woman yawned as she sat up and looked at the ring resting on the night stand next to her. The woman played with the jewelry before slipping it onto her finger and stumbling out of the room half-awake.

The woman's eyes were cracked open as she walked down the hall, and below she could a strange sound below. Uraraka rested her hand on the railing as she walked down the stairs. The lights below were on and a giggle was becoming more vivid. Ochaco ran her fingers through her hair, trying her best to calm the mess atop her head. As Uraraka walked into the kitchen she stared awe as a young boy clung to Izuku's left arm and the man waved him in the air as he made engine noises with his mouth. 

Ochaco looked at the man and then at the pan resting on the oven and cleared her throat as smoke began to rise."Izuku."

The man turned to face her and smiled.  His grin tugged at the freckles sprinkled across his face and his eyes seemed to shine as he looked at her."Hey, you're up early."

Uraraka pointed to the oven."And your eggs are burning."

Deku tilted his head in confusion at first, but then a flicker of realization flickered across his face. The man jetted from the chair he sat in, and as he moved the small child on his arm laughed as he bounced around. The green-haired man grabbed the pan and quickly picked it up.


The family sat at the table and tried to pick at their eggs. Midoryia looked at his wife and frowned,"This was suppose to be a nice birthday breakfast, but I messed it all up. I suck"

"It's fine sweetie, it is the thought that counts."

The small boy across from Izuku took a bite of his breakfast and grimaced as he ate the eggs. Akito finished chewing the disaster of a meal and said," I think they're fine Daddy." The boy paused as he tried to wash down the nasty taste with his cup of orange juice."Little crunchy, but Mommy's made worse." Midoryia nearly spat out his milk at the boy's unintended insult.

"Yeah Izuku it's not- " Ochaco interrupted herself and shot her young son a deathly glare." What was that sweetie ?"

Akito looked  at his mother and crinkled his nose as he thought."What was what ?"

Izuku ended the awkward conversation before it could even begin."How about we go into town and go get something good to eat ?"

"Deku I could just-"

"Nope, you're birthday isn't going to be remembered for my extra crispy eggs." The messy-haired man then stood up and grabbed his boy by the back of his oversized shirt. Akito grabbed his cup of juice before his father was able to pull him away from the table.


Izuku and his son stood in the boy's small room and searched for the child a nice outfit to wear."I can pick somethin' out on my own."

"We're going to make sure you look extra nice for this occasion; that mean's no crappy orange pullovers."

"B-But it's cold outside !"

Izuku placed his hand over his mouth."Good point, how about you wear a nice jacket."
Akito gave his father an unsure look and opened his closet. The boy stood on his tippy toes and reached for the nearest jacket, and flashed it to his father. Deku shook his head no and explained,"It has a stain."

Akito flipped the jacket to him and looked at it."Oh." The small boy then put the article of clothing back and continued his search.

"Dad, this is  the last one," whined Akito.

"Hmm, I need to take you shopping."

"Please do." The short boy followed up the plea by pulling the last jacket from the closet and hovering in front of him."Is this one fine ?"

Izuku looked his son down from head to toe and shook his head in approval."It will do." Akito was wearing a simple light brown jacket with jeans, and his least muddies sneakers. The boy's light, fluffy brown hair complimented his top perfectly. Akito's eyes resembled Izuku, but were much darker, however the freckles across the boy's cheeks made the relation undeniable.


The family of three sat at the small table and Izuku grinned behind his laminated menu. Ochaco ran her fingers though her son's hair and shook her head with a smile."I swear, you and your father don't have a clue about what fixed hair is do ya'll."

The two boy's said in unison,"Nope."

Ochaco let out a laugh and playfully kicked Deku's leg. Midoryia lowered his menu inches below his eyes and looked at the woman. Uraraka could feel the glare and lowered hers also. The two looked at each other , but stopped when an older man cleared his throats. The entire family's focus snapped to the man. A pen was tucked into the waiter's breast pocket and his wrinkled face was mostly encased by a bushy, grey beard."Ahh, it seems the Midoryia's have dropped by today. What brings the town's golden couple here today ?"

Ochaco looked at the man and shook her head."You know that's not the truth."

"But it is, we have the wonderful Ochaco and the boy she brought with her from U.A. all those years ago, and they never left."

Akito looked at his father and asked,"What's U.A."

"It's where I met your mother."

The waiter pulled out a small pad and looked at the clan of Midoryias."So what can I start ya'll with."

Chocolate milk !", roared Akito as he threw his arms into the air. The old man smiled as he scribbled the request down.

"I'll just have water," answered Deku as he searched the menu.

"Coffee for me," beamed Ochaco.


Akito let out a burp and rubbed his stomach."We should eat like this more often."

Ochaco turned to the boy next to her and wiped away a bit of stray egg on his lip with a plain napkin."If we did that we'd go broke because someone can't stop eating."

"Who's that ?"

"I don't know, maybe my little gremlin of a son ?"

Izuku smiled as he watched the interaction. He didn't know what else he could ask for in life. He had everything he could ever dream of in life and more. The daily worries he experienced years ago were gone and replaced by simple domestic worries. The group of three stepped out the booth and walked out the cafe. Midoryia held the door for his wife and kissed the woman before she slid into their car. As the man sat in the driver's seat he asked himself one question.'What could go wrong ?'

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