Book Two: Chapter Six

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The straw hat rested on Ochaco's head as she swiped at the mosquitoes flying around her. Sweat dripped down everyone's brow as the African heat abused them. The sky was crystal clear and the large sun seemed to even fiery than it was back home. With each step Deku could the man wished a calm breeze would blow by.

The trio walked down a dirt path that split the green wildland. Ochaco huffed,"Where are we goin' ?"

Guisu answered her,"No need to worry, the village is up ahead."

"Village ?", questioned Izuku.

"We need the help of the locals."

"Why's that ?", inquired Ochaco.

Hoga turned back to face Deku and Ochaco."I don't know the exact location of our first."

"You don't !",yelped Izuku.

"No, but I know it is within the are, but I'm sure someone in the town can help us out."


Hoga led the group into the small village. Children ran around in the streets of the village and giggled. Many of their shirts were faded and a few holes even in their clothes. A small round ball rolled to Izuku's feet and the man looked down. Deku stared at the ball for a moment and then at a boy in the street running after the ball. Midoryia kicked the ball into the air and then at the child. The think boy popped the ball farther into the sky with his head and shouted,"Thank you !"

The trio wandered down the road in search of help and stopped at the end of the trail.  Hoga turned to face a small hut. The dark-eyed man looked at the straw roof building for a moment before walking towards its door. Ochaco looked at Izuku and exchanged a curious glance with him before turning to see Gusui."Is this our stop ?"

"Yes, I believe we may find some help in here."

Izuku shrugged his shoulders."Okay, lets give it a shot."


The timber door creaked as the blond man opened it. Hoga stepped through without a worry and into the shack. Izuku and Ochaco were much more timid and skeptical. They had no idea of what to expect and the strange place did not disappoint. The tiny building had many shelves loaded with trinkets. They varied from small wooden creations to jars filled with herbs. Beautiful creations with stories drawn onto hung from the ceiling and their vibrant colors captures the married couples attention.

Hoga walked to the table on the other end of the room and looked at the woman behind it. The lady's skin was a dark chocolate and her eyes were a dark brown. A few wrinkles appeared across the woman's face, but she appeared to only be in her early fifties. The woman wore a long colorful robe that could catch the attention of anyone and golden bracelets covered both of her wrists. The lady's hair was short  and puffed out like a bush. Her curl's were adorned with brightly colored beads.

Gusui asked,"Do you-"

The man was cutoff by the woman behind the desk. The lady said,"Before I tell you anything, you must first ask a woman for her name." The older woman's words were difficult to understand because of her thick accent.

"Of course, miss..."


The pale man nodded in acknowledgement."Miss JuJu, would you happen to know about your home's legends ?"

"Of course," answered the woman as if she was insulted by the question.

"Great !" Hoga then clasped his hands together."Could you tell me- "

Ms. JuJu placed one of her hands in the air and said,"I can only give out such information for a price."

"A price ?", questioned Hoga with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, a price. I need three elephant tusk, a giraffe tooth, hippopotamus stomach, and a cheetah paw."

Hoga pulled out a notepad and scribbled everything she said down."Is that all ?"

Ochaco whispered into Izuku's ear,"Is she serious ?"

Ms. JuJu looked at the man and let out a hysterical laugh."I'm pulling you string, what would you like to know ?"

Gusui nodded his head and tucked the notepad into his back pocket."Do your people believe in evil spirits ?"

"Ahh, you want to know about the Mabahi." The woman then raised her left hand to stop her guest from speaking."The Mabahi is a dark force that has resided around these lands for hundreds of generations, and has haunted many men. People like you often come after it and die trying to harness it."

"Harness it ?", questioned Midoryia.

"Far into the forest exist the source of the Mabahi. The fountain of its evil is known as the Bawa la Sheti."

Hoga crinkled his brow as he looked at the African woman."And I take it you don't know where it is ?"

"I am one of the very few that do."


"However, I'm not one to reveal its location." The woman then stood up and walked out from behind the table. Ms. JuJu's silky robe rubbed across the wooden floor as approached Izuku. The woman was much shorten than Izuku, yet she still had a demanding presence."But I can sense something in this one. You have a monster that rages inside you and yearns for the Bawa la Sheti. You are a man who wants to control it, no ?"


"Hmm, your eyes are not that of the average man. You've been through agonizing pain already because of the devil inside you, yet you are willing to feed it. Why ?"

Deku looked down at the woman and took a deep breath. There was no uneasiness painted across his face, only focus."Because I have people to protect."

The woman stared into the man's emerald eyes."You tell the truth; I will reveal the location of the darkness to you, but be warned, places like that are not to be meddled with. They are filled with danger and no-one ever leaves alive."

"Of course, because nothing like this can ever be easy."

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