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"So Izuku when's the wedding?" Mitsuki said grinning at Katsuki.

"Oh! The wedding is when we get out of high school right Izu~?" Katsuki said rolling his tongue at the last part.

"What? When? Huh?" I said spitting of words in embarrassment

"We talked about this. Your mine and the moment we are allowed to your never gonna leave my side" he said genuinely smiling with a hint of tint of his cheeks

I sat there and looked at my mom who was just as much in shock as me.

"Katsuki! Calm down" his dad said already to late and now the Bakugo's were laughing like no tomorrow

"Well.. to be honest. Me and Katsuki have talked about it.. though we haven't been together for a long time.. I have loved him for years. I do see myself being Izuku Bakugo.." I said sheepishly hiding my face

The entire table said what?! All at once. Truly please. Kill me

"Izu!" My mom said probably already worried of being a grandmother.

"Sorry.. it just came out I guess." I said

"Well the heart wants what it wants can't change that now can we?" Masaru said

"Hell yeah old man. Finally I agree with you on something." Katsuki said

I sighed. Oh lord. If only Uraraka was here to help me. This is so embarrassing.. my boyfriend and his family talking about our future...

(Author Chan: hey sorry for not uploading for a bit. I was grounded, never mind that I really wanted to make a Detroit smash joke but I will refrain from doing so since we haven't gotten to that part;) jk. Pervs.)

Time skip:After dinner

I was doing the dishes when I felt arms wrap around my waist

"Eh?" I said turning around, "Kacchan? What's wrong?"

"Nothing.. I just wanted to feel your warmth.." he said

I continued doing the dishes. The warmth of his arms made me feel calm.. I finished and wrapped my arms around him.

"Izu what's wrong?" He said hugging back

"I'm just scared.. scared to lose you." I said

"I'm not going anywhere.."

"Yeah I know.. it's just.. I- I love you so much I can't image my life without you." I was blushing deeply

"Well I'm not going anywhere because I love you too." He pulled my head into his chest and ran his fingers through my curly hair.

"Ka-Katsuki.." I said

"It's getting late let's go to bed ok?" He said now grabbing my hand upstairs. We walked to my room and I grabbed my pajamas to go to the bathroom to change. "You don't have to be shy."

"Katsuki.." he ruined the sweet moment with a Pervy comment. I grabbed my clothes and changed. I came back out and my face turned scarlet red

"Yo." He said already shirtless in shorts. I set my dirty clothes in my hamper and awkwardly walked to bed.

(I just realized they like never have weekends but like oh well I'll probably write a filler weekend)

I was on my side now in the dark with my lover in my bed


"Yeah?" I said

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." He said wrapping one arm on me

"It's okay.. it's just I didn't think we were telling our parents that.."

"Yeah.. your Mom's reaction was priceless." He laughed

"Five bucks she's outside the door making sure we aren't doing anything" I said

"Your probably right.. I'm going to bed night." He said cuddling up next to me

"Yeah good night.."

Green troubles (Female Deku Story!) {completed} {editing}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz