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"Just leave!" I yelled loudly

A few people came out of their dorms and walked by to check we were ok.

"Izuku! God damn it! Now that I know you did that shit I'm not leaving to you!" He yelled back

"Bakugo why are you yelling at Midoriya?" Urakaka said

"Please leave Urakaka.." I say "this is between us."

"No Urakaka. Stay. Please." Katsuki says

"Well if Bakugo is saying please then it's really important.. Midoriya what's wrong?" Uraraka said in a worried tone

I snapped.

"Just leave! Can't you understand I wanna be alone? I hate this! Let me be! You guys can't understand how much it hurts." I say breaking down in tears

I see Todoroki get back from wherever he is and run up to my dorm

"Guys what's wrong with her?" He yells

"Todoroki! Thank god your here me and Bakugo don't know what to do please help" Urakaka said

"As much as I hate you.. please." He said

"She's having a mental breakdown or something.. Bakugo call All Might or Aizawa"

"Umm where the hell are they?- ah Midoriya take this." Shoto said

"What is it?" I said still shaking

"My um anti depressants..." he said

I slowly walked to the bathroom took a swig of water and took it..

I was still shaking and still mad. My mind was getting foggy and I felt all the thoughts go back in my head.

"Just calm down ok? Breathe.. your shaking too much. Lay down and focus your breathing." He spoke like he knew what he was doing

(A couple minutes later)

"Young Midoriya? Are you ok?!" He basically yelled

"I'm okay now all might.." I said

"Your mother brought your pills just now.. I'm sorry you went without them for the day." All might said feeling guilty

"No it's fine Shoto gave me one earlier I'm ok for now" I replied

"I was so worried about you sweetie.." All might said hugging me

"All might? People are here..." I said now scared people would find out about one for all

He let go

I saw my boyfriend make an 'oh' face

"Katsuki All might can we talk?" I said signaling for everyone to leave and they did leaving the three of us alone in my dorm

"Um.. Kacchan found out about me being your successor.. I didn't tell him he just.. found the 'note'." I said feeling ashamed I let him down

"Young Bakugo. What we say in this room must never leave." He said looking serious

"I understand." He replied

"Young Midoriya got her quirk from me.. After the Sludge Incident I appointed her to be my successor, and that's how she got her quirk. She's also been instructed to take medication for her mental health but it's been getting better. She just couldn't take it this morning. I'm sorry for the trouble she's caused you." All might said

"I have one question.. are you her dad? Truth be told I've never seen her old man either." He said

"Um no.. All might isn't my father but I look up to him as my fatherly figure.." I said slightly embarrassed "and I'm sorry for yelling at you Katsuki.."

"It's okay.. I went through your stuff. It's my fault for not considering your feelings. But please don't make me worry about you. You know I love you and I'll always be here to support you no matter what." He hugged me and began crying

"I won't.." I said

"You know I may not be a good teacher but I'm still a teacher."

"Oh right sorry." I said letting go

"I'm gonna go Young Midoriya make sure to take your medication tomorrow." All might said

"Ok bye Dad might." I said crying not to laugh

He looked surprised and then smiled and left closing my door.

"I love you." Katsuki says

"I love you too, I'm sorry for saying all those mean things to y-" he cut me off and kissed me.

"I don't care." He said inches away from my face breathing slowly.

"Katsuki.." I said going back to kiss him.

"I love you so much.." I said "I can't imagine what I would do without you in my life. You make me happy, like all my problems don't exist. Never leave me."

"I promised you I wouldn't. And plus I wanna be with you for the rest of my life. I wanna graduate with you. I wanna marry you. I wanna have kids with you. Hell I even wanna grow old together with you. I can't see myself going through life without my ray of sunshine next to me." I was now blushing at these words not knowing that he wanted me this badly

"Me too." I said almost in tears. I hugged his neck and started crying

Double upload case why not?

Green troubles (Female Deku Story!) {completed} {editing}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang