Chapter Thirty One

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"From every wound there is a scar, and every scar tells a story. A story that says, I survived." ~ Unknown

Previously on Hybrid

"Is everything okay Jimin? I'm a little worried." I stepped towards him, wrapping myself tighter with my blanket.

"Honestly Lyla. Everything is not okay." Jimin's voice cracked.

I bit my lip worriedly, stepping closer to Jimin.

Without another word, Jimin took off his jacket, and then his shirt.

"Jimin, what are you doing? It's freez- Oh my gosh." I gasped, covering my mouth with my hand, tears welling up in my eyes.

"I'm sorry Lyla."

Lyla's Point Of View

Deep, long, terrifying lines indented Jimin's back. Some even reached his stomach and chest. They were a familiar shade of pink, some showing signs of a dark red.

How long ago did this all happen?

"Jimin, what, what happened?" My voice trembled with each syllable.

Jimin took in a shaky breath and kept his head down as he faced me.

"It was about two years ago, the year before you adopted me." Jimin smiled slightly at the word 'adopted'

I smiled sadly as well.

I remember it as if it was yesterday.

Jimin was so shy at first. It didn't take long for him to reveal his playful and sweet side. I remember he would always lay across my lap, snuggling into my stomach. He's a little kid at heart.

"His name was Jim." Jimin spat out the name. "He bought Hobi and I, as show animals. He treated us as if we were circus things, not pets, not even as dogs. But as machines to be programmed as perfect trick masters." Jimin clenched his fist, still not lifting his head so our eyes could meet.

"Jim like making us jump through fire. I did what he said, I was just worried abouta when my next meal would be. But Hobi was afraid. The fire was hot and painful, Hobi hated it. So when Hobi didn't listen, Jim punished him with a metal whip." Jimin paused, finally meeting my eyes. I saw pain swarming inside. "Except he didn't. I jumped in front of Hobi, and I, got hit." Jimin's voice broke slightly. "I couldn't just watch my best friend get whipped! I had to do something!" Jimin raised his voice slightly, defending himself.

"I understand Jimin." I nodded, wiping away a few of my tears.

"After a month of that hell hole." Jimin growled. "I was left like this." Jimin said in a disgusted tone. "He left me as a piece of garbage. I used to have smooth skin, but that bastard ruined it!" Jimin shouted angrily, turning to punch the brick wall beside him.

I jumped slightly at his outburst. I've never seen him angry before. But I don't blame him.

Jimin dropped his arm, his bangs shielding his eyes from mine.

He took a deep breath.

"We escaped from him and got back to the pet store. I was in the pet hospital, or whatever it's called, for many months. Hobi was in there for a few weeks as well, getting back his nutrients and gaining back his weight. We were starved there. I was in rehab for almost all of my time there." Jimin smiled lightly. "The people who worked there new that Hobi and I were close or something, so I got to see him a few times a week." Jimin paused. "I looked forward to those days."

My lip trembled, overwhelmed with emotions.

My little puppy, he's been through so much. And here I thought he was a perfect little angel who's never seen a dark time in his life. In reality, he's faced the devil himself.

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