Chapter Twelve

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Lyla's Point Of View

"Hello! Welcome to Daisy's! Can I start you all with a drink?" I asked the family sitting before me.

Normally, I would be terrified of talking to people and stuttering throughout the whole time. But, it's different. I'm the one in charge. I'm the one who they look up to. So, I feel like I can control it.

"We'll all take a water please." The mother spoke.

"Alright. I'll get that for you in just a second." I smiled and walked away.

I glanced up at the clock and sighed in relief.

One more hour. One more hour until I can see my pets.

Suga's Point Of View

"This feels amazing!" Hobi shouted, running around.

Yep, we're currently humans. I'm surprised Namjoon let us change.

Taehyung was doing somersaults all throughout the house, yelling in excitement.

Jimin dancing with Hobi, seeing if they still remembered everything from years ago.

Namjoon and Jin were insulting each other's body, but in a joking manner.

And I? I'm enjoying their happiness.

I've seen them suffer through so much.

When we all met at the Laboratory, thinking we were helping our families. I saw how broken everyone was. No matter how many times Hobi made a joke, or when Namjoon would be optimistic about our future, I knew it was all lies. I knew the real reason why we were all there.

It was because we all had lost hope.

And that we were all at our last resort.

But it only made things more worst.


More interesting.

We thought they were only taking samples and conducting a few tests on us.

Oh boy were we wrong.

I remember, all of the machines they hooked me up to. All the needles. All the people.

All the pain.

I felt myself change.

I felt it all.

After they ruined us, transformed us, things died down for awhile.

Until I heard the screams.

His screams.

Taehyung's screams.

He was their favorite.

But that only meant more pain for him.

I was in my room, my cell, trying to escape. I tried to help Taehyung. But everything was too strong. I fell to the ground, sobbing, Taehyung's screams echoing through my room. They were torturing him, or as they called it 'a simple test.'

I looked over at the boy doing the somersaults. If you look hard enough, you can see his pain. You can see his scars. His fear.

And I couldn't do anything about that.

Lyla's Point Of View

"Hi Kookie!" I cooed and kneeled down beside the eager little bunny, hopping around in excitement. "Did you miss me?"

They all gathered around me, welcoming home.

This is so much better than work.

"Glad to see you aren't in Suga's mouth." I scratched Namjoon's head.

He squeaked in response.

I stood up and grabbed the dogs' leashes.

"Come on boys. We need to get you guys a potty break." I hooked their leashes on.

"I'm sorry everyone else. We'll be back in about 15 minutes." I reassured the others.

I led Jimin and Hobi outside.


"Man, I've gotta get back to work." I sighed, sitting up from my couch.

Jungkook squeaked from my lap.

"I know, I know." I sighed.

"I'll be back soon." I pulled on my coat and grabbed my purse.

Hobi barked from next to Jin.

I smiled and closed the door.


Alrighty, Chapter Twelve is done!

Next chapter is gonna be after a time skip. Memories will be included throughout it as well. I'm trying to get to when the boys are revealed.

I won't rush it though!


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