New Beginnings

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At that moment Margie stepped forward and grabbed Stephen's shirt. She pulled him forward and kissed him. He tensed at first and then reciprocated her long passionate kiss. Their tongues intertwined, sliding back and forth in a dance. She pushed Stephen backwards until his back was against the door. She reached down and locked the door.

She stepped back and pulled off her t-shirt. Stephen reached forward and pulled her to him. He kissed her mouth, her neck, he grabbed her left hand as he kissed her. She pulled back a step and reached behind her back. She unclasped her bra and it fell to the floor. Stephen was stricken at the sight of her breasts. Her large pink nipples erect, creamy white colored breasts accentuated by her tan lines. He bent forward and kissed her left breast just above her heart, then slowly and gently kissed her left nipple. Her body now on fire, as she felt the warmth of his mouth gently engulf her nipple.

She pushed him back a little and then reached down and removed his shirt. He pulled her tightly to him, she could feel the warmth of his chest against her own. Again they kissed passionately, she stopped and looked down. She slid her hands down to the button of his paints. She unbuttoned his pants and slid them down over his hips. Margie could see that Stephen was fully erect by the bulge in his jockey shorts. She grinned and pulled his shorts down. She reached up and grabbed his cock with her hand, she felt his body shiver. She leaned forward and kissed his stomach, she then kissed the tip of his cock.

Stephen closed his eyes and leaned his head back slightly. Margie then inserted the tip of his penis into her mouth. The warmth of her mouth immediately caused Stephen to moan. She took in more of his manhood and began to suck hungrily. Soon Stephen was on the verge of orgasm.

He stopped Margie and stood her up straight. He kissed her fully on the lips and then dropped to his knees. He unbuttoned her Capri pants and pulled both her pants and her panties down in one slow motion. He found her sweet perfumed garden. He could smell the scent of her womanhood as he kissed her thick brown pubic hair. He inhaled deeply and then licked her gently. He reached forward and gently spread her legs. He found the opening of her womanhood with his tongue. Her sweet nectar was mixed with sweat. He licked her deeply for several minutes. He could feel her orgasm building.

He stood up and pulled Margie against his chest. Margie reached down and grabbed his member, she pulled down on it slightly until Stephen bent his knees slightly. She then guided his manhood into her moist womanhood. He started to insert his penis slowly, but Margie reached down and grabbed his hips. She pulled his hips towards her, as she drove her hips against him. This drove his member deeply into her womanhood. His breath taken by the warmth of her womb. Margie gave herself over to pleasure totally as she drove her hips against Stephen harder and harder. She felt the warmth and pressure of her pending orgasm. She kissed Stephen more forcefully as he felt her body tensing. She stopped kissing Stephen and tilted her head back as her orgasm rocked her body.

She moaned loudly and pulled his body hard against her. Stephen couldn't hold back anymore either as his climax happened. Margie felt the surge in the pulse of his member, she felt it swell, and then spasm. Stephen's moans reached crescendo as he emptied the last of his seed into Margie's womb. He held her tightly, as the last of his seed was deposited. Margie, smiled and kissed him again. She relished the feel of his strong embrace and sighed with satisfaction.

It had been the better part of two years since she had made love to a man with such passion. The veracity of Margie's passion was not lost on Stephen as she pulled him ever tighter. She kept his member buried  within her until it was almost completely flaccid. She then gently let it fall out, his semen leaking from her womb and dripping on the floor. She smiled and said, "Don't worry Stephen, I am back on birth control." With that, he couldn't help but laugh. It was a deep heartfelt laugh, Margie started laughing too. For a moment they just laughed and held each other tightly. It was Margie who broke the embrace.

She stepped back and looked into his eyes and he was started to see the intensity of her stare. "Stephen, Todd isn't whole, I don't think he will ever be again. But, I cannot let anyone harm him. A part of me will always love Todd, he is the father of my children. I will do whatever the organization wants me to do, period. I do it for Todd, for my kids, and for me. But understand, I will never let anyone take control of me again!" she said.

"So, is that what this was about Margie? Did you take me to prove that you are willing to do whatever?" he asked with a genuinely wounded expression. "No Stephen, I took you, because I wanted too. I also owed you a debt of gratitude. I would have never gotten vengeance on those bastards on my own. Todd cannot even face his own demons, let along deal with mine. For that Stephen, I thank you. Understand this, I don't know that I can ever truly love someone again, but what you did for me..." her voice trailed off, thick with emotion.

"Hush now," Stephen said, eyes rimmed with moisture. "Just kiss me." They held each other for a long time. Eventually, Margie sighed and stepped back. I need to go clean up and then pick up my kids. Stephen nodded and gave her one last kiss. He put on his pants and his shirt. "I'll let the organization know what your decision is Margie. But understand, I won't ever be far from your side. Whatever you decide to do, wherever you go, I will be right there. No one will ever force themselves on you again." He assured her. She smiled and caressed his face. Margie turned to walk away and turned back and quickly kissed him again. Margie finished dressing and stepped out of the garage. Now she turned and walked towards her house.

Stephen knew that Margie hadmade her choice and he his, whether or not the organization agreed or not, itdidn't matter. She may not love him, but he did her. With that, he smiled, andwalked through the back exit of the garage and made his way to his car. He knewthat she was impossibly strong, but he also recognized that he had to impartevery bit of his knowledge into her for her to survive. He felt confident thatshe would be a lioness with no equal and he harbored little doubt that herskills would surpass his own, given enough time.

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