A New Player

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Joe walked through the casino and smiled to himself. Everywhere he looked, he saw people gambling. "Business is good." he said aloud. He walked through a row of slot machines towards the back of the main gambling hall. He turned through a hallway and came to his office. He opened the door humming to himself. He looked up and saw someone sitting in his office chair, but whoever it was had their back to him. "Hey, Vincent, get out of my chair!" Joe yelled, "You know that pisses me off when you do that. Vincent, damn it, move!" Joe walked up to the chair and swiveled it towards him. It was then when he clearly saw Vincent. His scarred and weather beaten face stoic as cold lifeless eyes peered up at Joe. Someone had cut Vincent's throat. "What the hell?" Joe cursed aloud.

Joe looked down at his desk. There was a single blood spattered envelope and laying over it was Vincent's favorite knife. The knife was eleven inches of finely honed steel with a bone inlaid handle. The knife was splattered with blood. It didn't take a genius to realize that this was the weapon used on Vincent. Damn, that's cold! Using a man's own blade on him, Joe thought. Shit, I have a mess to clean up, Joe thought. Joe reached down and picked up the envelope. He opened it to find a thumb drive with a sticky note reading "View Me, Joe." "Well, isn't this just great?" Joe, said aloud. Joe looked down at Vincent again and shook his head. "Well old boy, I don't know who you pissed off, but damn." His voice trailed away as he turned and walked to an adjoining room.

Joe walked into the adjoining room and up to a bank of TV monitors. "Okay, Vincent, let's see who did this to you." Joe said aloud. Joe signed into the surveillance camera software to access the recorded feed in his office. He combed through the last two hours of video surveillance footage. The feed began with Joe speaking with Vincent. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know this part...Joe said frustrated. He fast forwarded through the feed until he saw himself walking out of the office. He then saw Vincent check the door and walk to his desk. He sat down at Joe's desk, kicked his feet up, and leaned back in the chair. "Son of a bitch, Vincent, you know that pisses me off!" he exclaimed. Joe then remembered the grisly fate which befell Vincent. "Oh hell, let's get this over with." he sighed. He pressed fast forward and again the footage moved forward frame by frame. "What the????" Joe screamed. The time stamp leaped forward by forty-five minutes. The feed went from Vincent sleeping in Joe's chair, to his being dead and turned around facing the wall. No mistake, the footage had been doctored.

Joe flew into a rage, "Who the fuck has access to my security footage? When I find out, I am going to kick their ever-loving sorry asses!" It was then Joe remembered the thumb drive. Fuck, that's right, let's see... he thought. Joe placed the thumb drive into his laptop. The file menu displayed a single video file. Joe double-clicked on the icon and the feed started.

The feed began as an image from a cell phone. It was Todd and Margie's house. He could see the bearer of the phone striding up his driveway. He saw a hand ring the doorbell. Margie answered the door. After several minutes of dialog, Joe saw Margie turn from the doorway only to reappear with her purse and keys. The image then cut away to the moment Margie stripped in front of him.

The footage then jumped to when Margie stood in front of him and he watched her masturbate. Joe began getting an erection. The feed jumped forward again to when Margie performed oral on him. From the security feed he could see her head as she violently pushed her head into his lap over and over again. He could see Margie's thrusts drive her mouth into his abdomen roughly. Shit, he thought, she was tough... that's for damn sure.

The footage then leaped forward to when Margie dropped to her knees and performed oral on Vincent. The footage clearly showed everything up unto the point Margie gagged and vomited spittle on Vincent's abdomen. The footage then leaped forward again to show the moment Joe walked up behind Margie and he slowly penetrated Margie's womanhood from behind. He could see her body jerk at the initial penetration of his penis. This thrilled him at a primal level as he watched himself in awe as he thrust into Margie. The footage then revealed Vincent lean in as he sucked on Margie's nipples while Joe penetrated her. The feed then abruptly stopped.

Joe was about to hit fast forward again, when another feed started. This feed showed Todd's house again. The garage door was open. The feed was filmed from a first person perspective as the camera camera made its way into the garage and then opened the kitchen door. It showed Todd in his kitchen, unconscious, and with his blooded head laying on the table. The feed then stopped again.

The feed then started again and revealed Margie and her children walking around the inside of a store. From the looks of it, the store was local super store. "What the hell is this?" Joe questioned. "If Todd had someone do this, I am going to kill him. But before I do, I will make him watch when I fuck his wife again. If his daughter weren't so damn young, I'd see if she wanted a good bone to" Joe railed. As he ranted aloud, the feed stopped entirely.

The feed started again, but now it was real time. He could see himself standing there, looking at the screen while watching himself, watch himself. This is freaking surreal he thought. He turned around and began screaming. "I don't know who the fuck that you think you are, but I'll kill you for this!" Joe angrily tapped on the keyboard and shut down the feed. He angrily strode back into the office where Vincent was.

He swung open the door and Vincent's body was gone. The only thing remaining was a pool of blood. Shit, this just keeps getting better Joe thought. "Well, at least I don't have to get rid of the damn body." He said aloud. He walked over to a cupboard and removed paper towels and furniture polish. He saturated the floor with lemon scented furniture polish and then wiped up the blood. Joe threw away the paper towels and decided to call Jacob. He was the only other one in the room that day with Todd and Margie. He called Jacob's cell, no answer, his home phone, no answer. Damn, could Jacob have done this? Joe pondered. Guess I will find out eventually, he thought. Joe shook his head and decided to go home.

Joe walked back into the surveillance room and made his way to a wall safe. It was cleverly hidden behind an oil painting of the casino. He entered his digital code and the safe door opened. Joe removed a Springfield Armory 45 caliber semi-automatic handgun from the safe. He tucked it into a holster sewn into his sport coat. Let someone fuck with me now, he thought confidently.

Joe made his way outside of the casino. He warily walked across the parking lot to his brand new Lamborghini Huracan Spyder. He was lost in thought as he drove home. Joe arrived to his home and drove into his garage. He shifted the car into park and closed the garage door. He stepped out his car and went inside. He wasn't prepared for what he would find.

Joe walked right into the scene from a horror movie. Furniture was upturned, blood splatter adorned his light gray walls, and he could smell urine in the air. He saw a blood trail. He pulled out his pistol, cocked it, and made sure that the safety was off. He slowly and carefully followed the blood trail into another room. There he found Jacob's lifeless body.

He had been beaten severely. A large laceration exposed the crown of his skull, his nose twisted from repeated blows, and there was a large gash under his right eye. Good God, Joe thought. "Who could have done this to Jacob?" Joe said aloud. Joe knelt down and gingerly raised Jacob's head. It was then when he found the killing blows. Someone had beaten him and summarily executed him. Two small entry holes in the back of Jacob's skull. There were no exit wounds, so it had to be a very small caliber round, perhaps a 22. "Who ever did this, they knew what the fuck they were doing." Joe said. He looked around, nerves raw and on edge. Joe never saw, heard, or felt the blow that felled him. He only recalled a shuffle from the right followed by instant blackness.

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