Collection Day

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Todd left at his normal time, but instead of going to the office headed to the casino. He walked in far less chipper than the day before. He solemnly walked towards Joe's office. Todd knocked at Joe's door and anxiously waited. Joe opened the door and smiled at Todd as extended his hand. Todd shifted back and forth, Joe smiled to himself. After many years in the booking game, Joe knew line of bullshit that was about to be spun his way.

"Joe, I have been gambling with you for a long time." Todd started. "Yes you certainly have." Joe responded. "And you know I will pay you Joe." Todd continued. "Of course you will, Todd" Joe smiled. Here it comes Joe thought. "But I just can't pay you today Joe." Todd said meekly. "Oh really Todd, why not?" Joe pressed knowingly. "I just need a little time." Todd implored.

"Well you know Todd, I do have a business to run. I cannot float you credit for any longer." Joe said in a tone dripping with sarcasm. Todd's countenance dropped. This was what he dreaded all along, his debt too large and no way to repay it. What will he tell Margie? She meant the world to him. Sure, he was preoccupied of late and didn't treat her as well as he should have, but she was his everything. Over all else, he valued his Margie. Little did Todd know, but that love for Margie was part of Joe's strategy all along.

"Todd, if you cannot pay, you know the deal." Joe vehemently said. "I know, I know." Todd nervously replied. "I'll sell everything, I will cash out the rest of my retirement, just give me some time." Todd pleaded. "No Todd, pay today or else." Joe said. Todd considered bolting at that very moment. But he didn't, he should have, but he didn't. What followed, haunted Todd the rest of his life.

"Okay Todd, here's the deal. I will settle your debt on one condition." Joe sneered. "Anything!" Todd said. "I get Margie for an entire night." Joe continued. "What?" Todd yelled with wide eyes. "My wife isn't part of any of this, you know that she means everything to me!" Todd implored. "Exactly. She means more to you than anything, she is therefore more valuable to me than anything else you have to offer." Joe said coldly. "No, absolutely not!" Todd screamed as he fumed. "Okay, follow me Todd." Joe turned and led Todd to an adjacent room. To Todd, this room resembled a scene from a NASA documentary as security monitors lined the walls.

A single monitor flickered to life in front of Todd. It showed an image from a cell phone. It was Todd's house. He could see the bearer of the phone walking up his driveway. He saw a hand ring the doorbell. He watched as Margie answered the door. After several minutes of silent dialog, Joe saw Margie turn from the doorway only to reappear with her purse and keys. "What is going on here?" Todd demanded. "Just wait. Margie will be here soon and this will all be settled." Joe coldly said. With that, the screen went blank and Todd was beside himself with worry. "What do you mean she is coming here soon?"Todd asked with trepidation. Joe just shook his head and just smirked. Soon, a frantic knock resonated at Joe's office door. Joe left Todd in the monitor room and went to his office door. Todd heard him step out as he closed the door. Todd waited anxiously for a few minutes. When Joe returned, Margie was in tow.

Todd's eyes widened in shock as he saw Margie and helplessly looked at Joe. Joe returned his gaze, smiled, and nodded. Margie immediately moved to embrace Todd. As Todd accepted her embrace he looked over her shoulder and watched as Joe survey Margie's ass. He saw Joe smile and purse his lips. He looked back up and met Todd's eyes. Todd saw the hunger burning deep within Joe's predatory eyes and he felt as if someone had just punched him in the stomach. Joe walked back to his desk and picked up the phone. Shortly two security guards entered the room. Joe had seen these two before. The first was a mountain of a black man, he easily stood at 6'4 and was chiseled from granite. If it weren't for his perpetual stern look, he would be considered handsome. His body reflected countless hours of dedication in the gym. The second guard was not as big, but he was no less imposing. He looked to be Native American, probably from the Southern Paiute tribe. His face weathered and scarred. His hair long raven hair pulled back into a pony tail, His visage too marred by a deep scowl.

Joe stepped back from around his desk and walked back towards Todd and Margie. "Well, what are you going to do Todd? I suggest that you tell Margie before I do." He said coldly. "Todd, what is he talking about? Tell me." Margie said softly as she met Todd's eyes. Todd stammered, "Honey, I have been lying to you. I have been gambling" "What, why" Margie asked. Todd just shook his head and looked down at his feet. "Why am I here Todd? What did you do?" A look of anger clearly splayed across her face. Todd met her gaze, and Margie knew it was bad. "How much do you owe?" she sighed.

Todd nervously looked at Joe and then at the two guards. "How much?" Margie asked again. "I owe $150,000 dollars." Margie's eyes widened in disbelief as her jaw dropped open. "You owe how much? $150,000, how?" Joe sighed loudly as he looked at Margie and and said, "Well Margie, Todd came in yesterday and wanted to bet $100,000 on Atlanta to win the big game. When I asked him if he was sure, he decided to up that bet to $150,000. I know, I know, I implored him not to wager that much. But he said he had such a good feeling about the game. Now Margie, I am a business man and therefore had to honor his wager." Margie met Joe's eyes and saw cold the eyes of a predator.

"But he can never pay that back, our house isn't even worth that!" Margie screamed. "Is there no other way to work this out?" She implored. "Well Margie, here's the thing. I just cannot forgive debts like that. Again, I have to tend to my business. If I go soft on Todd, no one will ever pay their debt to me again. This really boils down to a simple proposition." "What is that?" Margie asked coldly with narrowed eyes.

"Straight to the point, huh? Todd, I really do like your Margie." Joe purred. Jacob, come over here next to Todd. With that, the black man walked over and stood beside Todd. Margie had to crane her neck to look Jacob in the eyes. Her eyes widened as Jacob casually reached behind his waist band and produced a Glock 19 pistol. He looked at Margie and coolly lifted the pistol and placed against Todd's temple.

Margie's face went as white as a sheet, sheer panic clearly visible within her eyes. Jacob's face never changed. It was if pointing a gun to a man's head was nothing more than swatting an annoying sand fly. She had the impression that Jacob had done this many times before. In fact, Jacob had held a gun to people's heads before, many times. In total, close to fifty others had already felt the barrel of Jacob's pistol. Todd now visibly shook with fear, his bladder almost let go.

"No, don't hurt him!" Margie cried in protest. Joe walked up and patted Margie on the shoulder. "Margie, don't worry, we can work through this. I am after all a very reasonable and practical guy. You just have to get to know me better." With this Margie looked at Todd and instinctively deduced the choice about to me offered to. She looked back at Joe and shook her head in revolt. "Ah, I think she's figured it out Todd my boy. She really is a smart-cookie. I can see why you are so proud of her." Joe chided.

"Well Margie, what will it be? Shall we get to know each other better, or shall we paint the walls with Todd's small brain?" Joe demanded. "You wouldn't, that's murder!" Margie screamed. With that, Jacob lowered the pistol and then pulled back the slide. He replaced the barrel against Todd's head. In that moment she understood that Jacob would do it, without question, and she refused to let him hurt Todd.

"Okay, okay... fine. What do you want from me? You have to promise me that you will not hurt Todd. We have children!" Joe smiled, he already knew all about Todd's family situation. "Oh Margie, I know. Little Bridget is at Patricia A. Bendorf Elementary right? And Eric is as at Hyde Park Middle isn't he?" Joe said off offhandedly.  With that, Margie shuddered as the gravity of their choice became increasingly clear.

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