The Fallout

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It had been two months since Todd and Margie's lives were forever changed at the casino on that hot and stifling day. Todd had wallowed in guilt and self-misery since. This whole ordeal had proven just how weak Todd, and conversely, how strong Margie was. For all that Margie willingly endured, she continued to move ahead with her life; whereas Todd, just seemed stuck. Perhaps it's the incessant guilt playing over and over in his mind, perhaps it's the thought of his wife allowing herself to be used for his bad decision, or perhaps it's something else altogether.

For several weeks after the encounter, Margie's body was sore. The bruises on her breasts and nipples were still faintly visible. The small tears inside her vagina and in her anus had finally healed. Her jaws periodically ached from being forced open for so long. She accepted it willingly though if for nothing else, the children's future. Her mind then flashed back to the moment Joe recited exactly where her children went to school. Her blood immediately ran cold. A fury began to grow inside again. How dare he bring their children into this! Her anger shifted from Joe to the nearest available outlet, Todd.

"Todd, damn it. Stop moping around, you aren't the one who got screwed by three strangers!" Margie snapped. She immediately saw Todd's head drop and he stammered..."I know, I am so sorry, if I could take it back, I would..." he whined. "Well you can't, what's done is done. If I can move forward then so can you." Margie roared. With that, Margie stormed out of the room. Todd heard her say, "I am leaving to pick up the kids. At least work on your damn presentation while the house is quiet."

Todd knew that Margie was right. She is the one who endured the actions of three sick and twisted individuals. He was just forced to watch while his wife submitted to the depraved appetites of three strangers because of his stupidity. Whenever he closed his eyes, his mind flashed back to Margie bent over the couch, her ass raised while her face and breasts were buried in the couch cushion. The image of his wife's legs spread open as a strangers entered her refused to leave his mind. It played out over and over in an ever-repeating loop. His tortured mind replayed the images of Margie stripping, of her willingly performing oral sex on three strangers, and images of semen leaking from body as she dressed. It all played out a million times in his mind. He was weak, stupid, and worthless. His solace should have been that they both lived, that their children were fine and none the wiser, and that Margie was stronger than anyone in this world. Instead, his solace had become a whiskey bottle and self-destructive self-loathing.

Todd, hadn't touched Margie since that night. Part of him was afraid to touch her in that fashion and another part of him still cringed at the recollection of how he had to penetrate her after the three had their way with her. He gags when recalling how his penis felt as it was awash in the semen of other men. Todd found himself lost in thought again, failing yet again to finalize his presentation.

As Margie stormed out of the den, she hastily grabbed her keys and threw open the door to the garage. Her mind seething with rage and lost in many of the same thoughts engulfing Todd. Margie can still feel the degradation and pain suffered that day. All for Todd's sake.  She vividly recalled the moment when she felt her soft tissue painfully stretching and recalled the slick feel all those men's semen.

For several weeks Margie found sleep impossible. When she did sleep, she would awaken shortly thereafter by nightmares and be covered in sweat. Her mind incessantly replaying the events of that terrible day. Fortunately, Margie found sleep a little easier to come by after she started her period. Margie recalled the moment Jacob implanted his seed within her womb. She worried that she would become pregnant with his child. She still recalled Jacob laughing and saying that he has always wanted a boy. As Margie shifted the car into reverse and wheeled out of the driveway with a spin of the tires. So lost in thought, she didn't think to close the garage door when she left.

For several hours, Todd wallowed in his misery. He walked into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of bourbon. Todd had never really been a drinker, at least until that day. He skipped beer, wine, and dainty cocktails; instead, he found an affinity for hard liquor. As he tipped the glass to his lips, he took four large gulps and emptied the class. He looked down and decided to have another, then another, and then another. His edginess slowly dissipated by the fog of hard alcohol. Perhaps it was the fog of the alcohol, or the fact he was lost in thought, but he never registered that he was no longer alone in the kitchen.

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