Chapter 14 - Ethan

Start from the beginning

"Ethan! Wake your lazy ass up! We're gonna be late!" Seth yelled at me from my door.

I groaned and chucked my pillow at him. Unfortunately, he batted it away. I realized as soon as I layed my head back down on that mattress that I hadnt really thought that through very well. Pillowless and uncomfortable, the only thing I could do was get up and move.

I was quickly regretting these evening naps.

I shuffled to the bathroom to splash some water on my face. My arms propping me up over either side of sink, I caught my reflection in the mirror. And then I instanly wished I hadnt.

I looked worn. Dark circles were more than noticeable under my eyes. I wasnt getting enough sleep. Plagued with undecipherable dreams every time I closed my eyes, I was less than rested. And something told me taking a vacation wasnt going to make the dreams stop.

What did she mean by "I'm in here?" She had motioned to herself as if there was more inside her than what was before me. God, I was so confused.

And she hadnt called me yet. I checked my cell often. Not that I expected her to run home and hit me up, but I was a little afraid she never would.

Scratch that.

I was very afraid she never would.

"Dude!" Seth's voice boomed. He threw his arms out from his sides, glaring at me.

I decided that was enough thinking for now.


I did not want to go on this double date. I was only doing this for Seth, as his current conquest was determined to bring a friend.

Her name was Sara. She was nice. Pretty as usual pretty girls go. But she never shut up. I'm not even sure she even took a breath before opening her mouth, yet again.

She rambled on and on about everything shes ever mastered in her whole entire life. I rolled my eyes many times. Seriously. Who composes music for movies at age 24? She has paintings in museums. She is a sky diving instructor. Shes danced with the Rocketts on Broadway. She met Prince William once... he asked for her phone number. Blah. Blah. Blah.

Yeah, O-KAY.

I let my thoughts wonder to Haven. I checked my phone again, knowing full well nothing new had come across. I had made sure I had it on the most annoying ringtone possible as well as vibrate. I was determined not to miss her call.

What was she doing right now? Was she alright? It must be hard to go home to a house full of only memories. I felt for her. I knew that pain.

I had to force myself to go through grandma's belonings and box them up. They currently sat in a corner in my bedroom, unopened. There were many pictures of us she had displayed in her room at the nursing home. She even kept a scrapbook under her bed full of my awards and achievement ribbons throughout my school days. On her bed had sat the teddy bear I insisted on sleeping with long after my parents died. Even though Alzheimer's had washed her memories of me, she never moved those pictures. She never slept without that bear. Somewhere, deep inside, she still held tight to me. Atleast, that's what I told myself.

I wished she was still alive. Still able to think clearly. Still able to give me advice. I needed to vent. I needed someone to listen. Seth knew how I felt about Haven, but I couldnt be completely honest with him. I couldnt tell him I was in love. He would laugh at me. Seth wasnt built for love. I mean, he could love someone but actually being in love was definitely not his style.

The whole concept of falling in love, for me, was foreign. I loved my grandmother. I loved Seth. They both reciprocated that. But outside of those two, there had never been anyone else. Yeah, I dated here and there. Yeah, I had a couple of relationships over the years. But Haven... well, she was different. From the moment I laid eyes on her, I knew it would be different. And now, here I am, on this terrifying emotional rollercoaster. In love with a girl who doesnt love me back. One that was probably not capable of ever loving again.

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