Chapter 2: The Most Embarrassing Day Ever!

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The next morning, I drag myself out of bed, I try to think of good things that will happen today but fail. The only OK thing that will happen today is, I will get to see my friends and someone else.

I flop my legs over the other side of the bed and pull myself up, it's seriously the second day of school and I'm already like this. I look in the mirror and groan, this is the worst I've ever seen myself in the morning.

Last night I couldn't sleep, all I could think of was Lucas, did he actually know I was in his brain? I shake off the creepy feeling that I've developed and grab a towel and slip into the shower.

I be careful not to wake my dad up. My dad works all throughout the night and in the morning he falls asleep. I don't know what his job is, but I know it has something to do with the government.

 Once I finish showering I get dressed in my uniform then do my hair up into a high ponytail, I chuck my shoes and socks on and pack my lunch, I put all of the books I'm going to use today in my bag and walk to my dad's room, checking if he is still asleep. 

When I see him he's asleep, I cringe when I see the angle of his neck, so I go over grab a pillow and move his head. He doesn't take much care of himself, I look over and see his computer turned on, so I walk towards it to turn it off and see that Gmail Is opened:



I go closer and click on the message, seeing his reply:



Are they talking about me, because if they are, there is only one thing that they could so call 'know' about mind-reading abilities?

I quickly tip-toe out of his office and walk out the door to wait for the bus. Great, another thing to think about all day, this was not my plan. 

What if they do know about me, I silently groan to myself, what could this mean. I am only 17, in grade 12 and people wanna mess with me? UGH!

When the bus comes up my driveway, I think about telling Harley about the email's but decide against it, I don't want her worrying about me, I want her to just have fun and enjoy school as much as possible. I sit on the seat next to her and pull a fake smile. 

"You all right?" She asks.

I nod and wonder how I ever thought I would never be able to tell her. The bus is pretty quiet, so I whisper back to her,

"I'm all anything going on that I will want to know about?"

She smiles at me and tells me about messaging this boy she likes and how they decided to meet up at school.

The whole time I smile and nod sometimes zoning out. When we reach school, she finishes showing me the messages and excitedly put her phone in her bag. 

We walk down the steps of the bus and walk into another boring day of school. I look around for my other best friend and see him, I turn back to Harley and say,

"Hey there's Logan"

I point over to him and pull her arm forcing her to come my way, I look over to who she's looking at, of course, it's him, Tobias, or Toby, as she calls him.

While I'm looking, I see Malachi, suddenly I feel self-conscious, so I put my hands on my zip on my uniform and bite my lip trying to focus on whatever Harley's saying. Harley looks at me and turns her head slightly taking in my appearance, she does a little dance while saying,

The Secret Security GuardOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora