Chapter 11

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   Inside a hotel room, Link and Neji were discussing strategies of Operation: Sneak into the castle to find The Sword of the Six Sages and Princess Zelda

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Inside a hotel room, Link and Neji were discussing strategies of Operation: Sneak into the castle to find The Sword of the Six Sages and Princess Zelda.

The sun was setting, the time for the plan to start will soon be in motion.

"Ok, ok. So I'll keep watch in case any guards come." Neji claimed.

Link nodded, thinking to himself. It would be bad if either him or Neji got caught for obvious reasons. "If a guard somehow sees you, take them out as quickly as possible. Can you do that?"

"I can, but I won't get caught that easily. It's you I'm more worried about. You're the one going into the castle."

"Right. The princess will most likely be in her room sound asleep." Link's eyes wavered, feeling nervous that he's going to see Zelda again. Under bad circumstances that is.

Seeing Link spacing out, Neji waved his hand in front of Link's face. "Earth to Link!"

Link started blinking fast, clearing his throat. It was rare for him to get caught off guard, thoughts of Zelda kept distracting him. How much he wished he didn't have to go through with this. But it was too late to turn back now.

"Sorry. We'll start this mission around midnight."

"Sounds good to me. But... Something tells me you really don't want to do this. You don't have to, you know."

Turning away, Neji was unable to tell what expression Link was wearing. "It's not my choice. I have to do this."

"Even if... You have to kill the girl you like?"

Link didn't know what he felt towards her. His once childhood crush was eating away his heart. He didn't know how he felt about her right now. The only way to find out is to see her. If he doesn't feel anything towards her, killing her and taking the sword would be a piece of cake.

But if somehow the princess captivates his heart once more, Link knew he would be in deep trouble.


Around midnight, Link and Neji managed to pass through the castle walls, hiding behind the gray stone walls. There were no guards in sight, a good sign so far.

Looking up, Link saw the tallest tower of the castle, assuming it to be the princess's room. "Alright, kid. Be on guard. I'm going up."

Neji gripped his sword tightly. "You can count on me."

Link began to climb up the wall, heading upwards. The wall was so steep and narrow, it almost felt like he could fall backwards if he wasn't careful. He's done things like this before, so it shouldn't be so difficult to climb a simple castle wall.

Just remember, it's a mandatory mission. Fulfill it no matter what.

Link was drawing closer to the window. So close, yet so far. It was almost too good to be true without getting spotted so far.

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