Chapter 10

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   A young boy with white hair and purple eyes was swinging a pickaxe, hitting it against dull stone

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A young boy with white hair and purple eyes was swinging a pickaxe, hitting it against dull stone. Shackles were locked on his wrists, bandages wrapped around his hands due to blisters.

Taking a short break, he felt a sharp pain behind his back. Turning around, he saw a man with a whip in his hand. "Get back to work, piglet."

Dreading from all this meaningless work, the young boy continued to swing his axe on the stone. Averting his eyes, he saw a man who looked similar to him, baring the same white hair and purple eyes.

His throat was dry, but he managed to speak up. "Dad... Why are we even doing this?"

The man sadly smiling, continuing to swing his pickaxe while answering. "If we try to resist, they will only kill us. I don't want that to happen to you. Your mother wouldn't want that to happen to you either."

The young boy's eyes wavered. His mother had died in this line of work. Now it was just him and his dad. "But we cant stay here forever..."

"I know, Neji. I know." That's what his dad always said. He knew his dad wanted to escape, but was so afraid to make a run for it. He felt the exact same way. He was scared. He didn't want to die. But at the same time, he didn't want to waste his life away, being forced to work in the mines. There was just no way.


Sometime later, Neji and his dad were standing in front of the man in control. Dark circles surrounded their eyes, blood ran down Neji's face. His dad was in worse condition, assuming he had more of a merciless beating than he did.

The man in charge had his arms crossed, looking somewhat disappointed. "I can't believe you two tried to make a run for it. You should be ashamed of yourselves."

Unable to tolerate it any longer, Neji snapped. "Nobody wants to work for some sadistic freak like you!"

Neji's dad looked terrified about his son's statement. "Neji!" The man in charge walked over to Neji, grabbing him by the collar. "Stop! Please! Let go of him! I beg of you!"

Neji's feet was dangling from the ground, trying to gasp for air. The man in charge sent the little boy a glare. "You better watch your tongue, piglet. I could end your life right now."

"No! Please!" Neji's dad pleaded. "Let my son go! If you're going to punish someone, punish me!"

The man turned towards Neji's dad. "You're willing to trade your life over this pest you call a son?"

"If you spare his life, I will be willing to die in his place!"

The man pondered at the thought, seeming like he made up his mind. "Very well." He dropped Neji on the ground, making him land hard on his back.

His body was in pain, it felt like he couldn't move. Neji turned over to his dad, seeing the man taking out a sword. His eyes widen at the sight. "Dad! Don't do this!"

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