Chapter 6: The Reply

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The next day after dinner Taehyung had taken a day off from the gallery. His mind was occupied with the thoughts on how to write back a reply to the letter that had been placed at the end of the book, which he had already finished reading, twice. He read the letter again,

Dear fellow author,

Hopefully you have come across this letter after finishing the book. The reason I put it in the last was so that your perspective towards the book isn't formed based on where I got my inspiration from. Inspiration comes in different forms, in different places and in different people. To be honest, my entire source of inspiration came from a book club I am a part of here in Correze. "The Golden Closet Book Club".

Its quite a funny story of how it was formed but I will keep that for the next letter, if there happens to be a reply for this one that is. You see this club is formed of different individuals. On a normal day, you cannot really think these individuals would get along with each other but the war has brought us together in such a way, that now we barely stay apart. Its amazing how something as chaotic and destructive as war has given birth to our club. These people are so different yet they all hold something similar in their heart; kindness, humanity and hopes for a better future.

Initially, all of us felt that the we would all be truly happy only when the war would come to an end. But with time, when we saw it was only getting worse, our hopes were scattered. But surprisingly, these scattered pieces of hopes of different individuals took a shape and now it has become our source of happiness. Be it singing and dancing together, a little drunk I might add, during the club gatherings or preparing a meal from the stolen pigs from the soldier camp, all these little things have become our source of happiness. All these individuals hold different stories of pain, sorrow and separation yet they have found happiness amongst each other, amidst the chaos of war. By now, I am sure you have understood what is your definition of happiness. I will not dig into the book for now. But in simple words and at present, for me, it is being able to wake up, use my pen to write and share these sweet little moments with the family of my club. Living in the present, treasuring present moments and cherishing your loved ones around you is what makes me happy, what makes us all happy.

I hope you were able to look into the book beyond its words. I truly wish you always stay happy.

P.S. I would like to make a small request. If you, by any chance, have plans on writing back to me, I would be more than happy and honored to read one of your books.

Look forward to your response.

Yours truly,


Taehyung finished reading the letter for the 1000th time. He so badly wanted to write a reply and send it as soon as possible, but he didn't have any work of his. For some reason, he wanted to send his own work to the author who had requested for it so sweetly, a request the painter didn't want to deny. After moving back and forth in the room with the letter in his hand, he finally thought of an idea and rushed to the editor's office while putting on his coat.

Hoseok was busy parceling the books when his friend Taehyung came into his office with a bouquet of the editor's favorite flower. "Well, well, to what do I owe to have such a lovely visit from my beloved friend?"

Taehyung placed the bouquet on the table and went behind his friend's chair, hugging him from the back. "Hoseok-ah, I need your help with something. Can you please help me?"

"Anything Tae. Just name it." Hoseok had become friends with Taehyung through the couple but somehow, he ended up becoming closer with him than Jin and Namjoon. Taehyung understood Hoseok in ways no one else could and thus, they had formed such a stronger bond.

Taehyung hesitated for a while and he finally spoke, "I am planning to write my book, more like finish what I have started. But it will take some time and I need your help for that."

Hoseok was surprised to hear this. He had been telling Taehyung to finish his works for the last 2 years but none of his convincing had ever work. He thought what changed the painter's mind within such a short span of time. "Sure Tae but if you don't mind me asking, what made you suddenly want to write?"

Taehyung explained the whole story of the book and the letter. Hoseok had seen Taehyung happy over the years but never had he seen him explain something with such enthusiasm. His eyes were sparkling and every now and then, he was blushing and smiling. He couldn't understand what effect this mysterious author had on his painter friend but something was sure, this certain author was making Taehyung happy.

"So you see, now he wants me to send him my own work and I have nothing to send. But I so badly want to reply and now I am so lost on how to reply back." Taehyung said with a sad face.

Hoseok thought for a while and came up with an idea, "Since you don't have a book of your own Tae, you can send him one of your favorite books. That could also help to connect you guys. And once you are done with your work, you can send it to him. What do you say?"

A wide smile crept on Taehyung's friend and he jumped to hug his friend. "You are the best Hoseok. I don't know what I would do without you sometimes." Taehyung kissed Hoseok's cheeks and bid his farewell.

Taehyung excitedly came back home into his room and took a piece of paper and pen. He took a long breath and started writing,

Dear JK,

First of all, I would like to tell you how much honored I feel to have read your book, not just once but twice. The way you have used such simple words yet such amazing stories has really impacted my heart and my mind. Also, I may sound a little selfish to ask you for another favor but could you kindly let my curious mind know how "The Golden Closet Book Club" was formed.

Secondly, I want to apologize to you in advance for being not being able to fulfill your wish. You see I am no author for I have not been able to finish any of my work for several reasons. I regret it deeply for not being able to share it with you. However, I am sending to you one of my favorite books. I wanted to send flowers too but that isn't quite possible. So, I am sending to you a painting from one of my favorites that would serve the purpose of the flowers. I hope you will enjoy this book and the painting as much as I did. I wish I was good with words like you, but I am afraid I will only make this letter more boring and longer. I will stop my pen here but I will look forward to a response from you, possibly along with another book of yours.

-Your book admirer,



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