Chapter 11 - Haven

Start from the beginning

Pain I had caused him.

"Apparantly, we need to vet our residents better before accepting them into our program. We cannot tolerate irresponsible--"

"Dad!" I cut him off, annoyed. Oh hell no! I was not going to allow him to bad mouth the only person who had remained by my side through my recovery, the only person who cared about me. He looked at me, startled and offended I had even dared to use such a tone with him, but I continued to speak anyway, "His grandmother passed away. He left town to take care of the arrangements. He will be back, just chill. Jesus, dad! There are people in the world that value family over their job!" And I meant that as a jab. I was never as important as his work.

There was a quick flash of pain across his face and I felt instantly remorseful for being so spiteful but damn it, he wasnt allowed to fain concern for me now. And definitely not as Ethan's expense. "I was just voicing how unprofessional it was," He said, "you need the best care this hospital has to offer. I want to assure that's what you have."

"And Dr. Carter is. He was the one that brought me back to you. So if you're going to place the blame anywhere, make sure it hits the correct mark," I eyed him up and down in his stupid fucking blue suit he had never changed out of in my 26 years of remembrance. "I should let you be, you need rest," he said coldly and matter of factly. I waved him off, "Yep. It is what you do best."

The sky released at that moment. Thunder shook the window. Hard rain pelted and pinged off the glass. A flash of lightning lit up the room. My father got up out of his chair, without saying goodbye and opened the door. He passed by Ethan, who was just rounding the corner to enter my room. He disregarded his prescence, not even giving Ethan enough respect to introduce himself.

He just left.

Ethan stood in the doorway, confused by the rudeness of my sperm donor, watching him walk away. But within seconds, his attention came back to me and just like that, he was instanly calm, cool and collected again. Like always. My heart leapt into my throat. Damn. I had actually missed that perfect face. He smiled at me, not missing a beat, "Hello Haven." Ah, that voice. That smooth, calm, strong voice.

"Oh, Thank God! I cannot tolerate one more second with Dr. Miller," I teased.

He laughed. He actually laughed at something I said! I beamed. His laugh was just as beautiful as him and I wanted to hear more of it. "I'll be sure to let him know how you feel," he grinned at me.

"That's okay, I put it on the hospital's satisfaction survey already," I grinned back at him. He laughed again. Ugh, my heart just might burst.

"Well, I see you are definitely feeling better," he smiled while scribbling something down in my chart.

Suddenly my body betrayed me. I frowned as we both heard my stomach growl, demanding food. I winced at his reaction. "When was the last time you ate, Haven?" He scolded me. "Uh, it's been a few mintues..." I chuckled nervously, trying to joke again. But this time, he didnt laugh. He just stared at me, the wheels obviously turning inside his head. I dropped my eyes, afraid to see the disappointment that may reside in his. "Alright. Get dressed." Was all he said. He stood up and turned to leave, "I'll be back to get you in a few minutes."

I blinked. "What?" I asked, confused. He glanced over his shoulder at me as he walked out the door, "We're going out to eat," he called out after me. Butterflies tickled my insides. Ethan was taking me out to eat?

Oh, shit...

I sprung out of bed, quickly throwing my clothes about, trying desperately to find something worthy to wear in his prescence.

I frowned.

Doris had only brought me tee shirts and jeans. I frantically made a decision and ran to the bathroom. Throwing on another WWE reglan shirt and skinny jeans, I glanced at my reflection in the mirror.

Ugh. Dread gripped me as I relaized I actually looked like death warmed over. I ran my fingers through my hair attempting to brush it out and fluff it up. Deodorant. Brush teeth. Mascara. Body spray. Okay. I'm okay. This is nothing. Not a date by any means. I can do this. Just cool your jets, Hay. No big deal.

Then came the knock on the door. I took a deep breath and left the comfort of the bathroom.

I instantly felt better when I saw his attire. He had gotten rid of the white doctors coat, and taken off his scrub top. He stood before me in a plain white v-neck tshirt and blue scrub pants. I smirked. I could make out his bodily frame better without that shit on him. He was trim, with a broad chest. His shirt clung to the outline of strong pectoral muscles. His biceps were not bulging like Seth's yet his muscles were subtly defined. I felt a tingle between my legs. Shut up! Shit up! SHUT UP! I mentally scolded my body. "Where are we going?" I asked trying to push dirty thoughts from my mind.

"Theres a bar across the street--amazing cheeseburgers," he smiled warmly.

Okay. Cool. Right on.

I just nodded.

We walked side by side through the halls to the elevator. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed him continually glancing at me. What was he thinking? I desperately wanted to know...

We passed Aunt Doris, without saying a word. She raised her eyebrows, surprised. I shot her a small, shy smile. Her face lit up and she winked at me.

Oh, brother.

Haven, Withstanding -The Traveler Series ✔Where stories live. Discover now