Chapter Twenty-One

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- "It was - it was great" I say remembering that night.

- "Well I'm glad!!" She says looking away to sip her Americano. "And not at all jealous!" She finishes causing me to smack her arm.

- "YAH! There's nothing to be jealous of! The pain is hell" I splurt out.

- "Really!? Is the pain that bad?" Anaya looks at me curiously.

- "Ahhh let's change the subject!" I mention, shaking my head and taking a sip of my Americano that Anaya got me as she laughs at me being shy.

Just then my I hear my phone ring.

- "Who is it?" Anaya asks, as I take my phone out of my bag in which I was a little shocked about it.

- "It's Jungkook" I respond looking at my phone surprised. He's never really called me.

- "Well pick up" Anaya says frustrated.

- "Ahh yeah" I say quickly picking it up.

- 'Hello?' I hear Jungkook's voice.

- 'Hey' I answer.

- 'Ah Y/n, how you feeling?' He asks.

- 'Oh yeah, I'm fine now; it was just in the morning' I respond, I see Anaya looking at me with her 'what happened' eyes.

- 'Oh good! I just called to see how you were feeling. I'm glad you're feeling better' he vocalizes.

- 'Oh right, I'm feeling better now; thank you for calling' I speak. I can feel my heart beat rapidly in my chest.

- 'It's alright, I'll see you later then' he says.

- 'Yeah yeah, see you' I reply as he cuts the phone, I look up to see Anaya staring at me.

- "What was that all about?" She asks

- "Oh nothing, I was just a bit unwell in the morning so he called to see how I was doing now" you express.

- "Oh really!? What happened?" She asks looking worried.

- "It was just a little vomit" I tell Anaya honestly. "I'm okay now though" you finish, smiling at her. She looks at me a little concerned.

- "Y/n" Anaya says pausing as I look at her with my puppy eyes, "When- when did you guys, ahem" she finishes.

- "Ahh Anaya! I don't want to talk about it!" I profess with my cheeks blushing red again.

- "No seriously, tell me" she says looking concerned and I can now feel the tension in my stomach building up, having an idea of what she was about to say.

- "Around.. three weeks ago" I say trying to remember properly. "Yeah, three weeks ago." I say remembering.

- "Have any chance been sick for the last couple of days, especially in the morning?" Anaya questions again. I can now feel something building up in my stomach, having an idea to where she was heading.

- "No..." I lie

- "Did you guys use protecti-" I quickly cut Anaya off as the knot in my stomach has now tightened so hard and a lump has now appeared in my throat.

- "We did!" I lie as my heart races. "Don't worry, we used it" I finish as Anaya looks at me relieved.

- "Thank God!" She announces with her hand on her heart, whilst sipping her Americano.

Right there! She opened up a door to a possibility that may be true and lead to further complications. My head was about to explode! Is there a possibility that I can be...that I could be pregnant?

Author POV

Once you say your goodbyes to Anaya, you make your way to the bus stop. On your way to the bus stop you see a convenience store.

'Shall I?' you thought.

You feel your legs making their way to the convenience store already. You go in and make your way to the health and beauty section. You stand there scared, your hands shaking as you pick out a packet, before reading it. You finally pick out a pregnancy test and go to the counter before paying for it and stuffing it in your bag.

You get home quickly, and rush to your shared room and go to the toilet. You unpack the pregnancy test and followed the simple instructions.

You wait at least 10 minutes before looking at the results. You go back in to the toilet and pick up the stick as your hands shake. You turn it around to see...



Authors note

Well guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter💙!!

Let me know what you guys think 😁💜!!!

The Daughter of the House Maid (Jk ff)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt