But Zayn can't get Niall out his head. He keeps thinking of his touch and his face being only millimeters away. Those flaming blue eyes staring into his soul. God, how Zayn wishes he was at home watching Niall. Screw the boys, he needs Niall.

"Zayn, you're spacing out again" Louis warns.

Zayn looks at him then the TV screen. He's praying Tom Cruise can help him. In fact, Tom Cruise is actually very attractive. Very sexy. Well he was. Now he's just old.

"Imma get a drink. You guys want?" Liam asked.

Liam gets up and makes his way to the kitchen after hearing a yes from them. Zayn sees Louis watching Liam before he stands up.

"I'll help you" Louis says.

Zayn's brows furrow. What the hell is going on with them? But he turns back to the movie when he hears loud shooting blaring from the TV. After about two minutes, Zayn begins to think of where Louis and Liam are. It doesn't take seventeen years to get some damn drinks. So Zayn gets up and makes his way to the kitchen.

"Louis, I'm sorry" Liam says.

"It was suppose to be just us! Why'd you invite them?" Louis whisper-shouts.

"I didn't know you wanted it to just be us tonight. Zayn was stressed and I'm trying to help him, he's our friend."

"I'm your friend too, Liam. I just wanna spend some time with you alone" Louis says.

"Why do you want it to just be us so much? You've been hounding me lately about spending time with you" Liam replies.

"Because! I...I just wanna spend time with you. When was the last time it was just me and you?" Louis says.

"I don't know, at least three months."

"Exactly. That's so long ago. Now we get the chance to hang out and you invite them!"

"Look, I said I'm sorry. We can hang out another time. Just please calm down. I need to get these drinks to them."

And then Zayn hears nothing else. He runs back to the couch and jumps on it. Harry turns to him. "What the hell are you doing?" he chuckles.

"Louis and Liam have been acting strange."

Harry rolls his eyes, "I know right? They've been so weird. They keep looking at each other and they never talk as much anymore."

"Really?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah, mate. Where have you been?"

Harry's right. Where has he been? He's been so caught up with Niall lately that he's not paying any attention to the lads. He feels bad. Tonight, Zayn will just relax and hang with his best mates. No Niall.

And surprisingly he succeeds. The rest of the night, they watch more movies but Zayn can't help at noticing how Liam and Louis look at each other every once in awhile. They all eat junk food and dance and party. But now they wanna wind down since its 2 am and Harry suggest a juicy game of truth or dare. Now the boys are all sprawled on the floor in a circle.

"Ugh. I hate this game. Its so 7th grade" Louis pouts.

"Oh, shut it, Loubear it'll be fun" Harry says.

"I'll start" Liam says. He looks at Zayn. "Zayn, truth or dare?"


A devilish smirk crossed Liam's face. "Have you been stalking Niall?"

"I don't stalk! I told you I'm admiring from afar and observing his lifestyle!" Zayn defends.

Louis rolls his eyes, "Sure, I bet you observe that banging body of his."

Liam's fist clench as he glares at Louis. Zayn sees this and smirks cheekily. Oh, he's gotta great plan.

"Okay, Louis truth or dare?" he says.

"You already know" Louis chuckles.

"I dare you to kiss Liam."

Liam's eyes bulge out while Louis' face heats up and he stares at the carpet. "How about something else?" he mumbles.

"No way, José! You always go through with dares no matter how extreme! Now do it!" Harry laughs. He turns to Zayn and Zayn smirks. They both high five, congratulating themselves on putting Liam and Louis on the spot. What? They gotta know what's going on between them.

"I-I'm good. How about I run around the neighboorhood naked or go next door to ask for some condoms and handcuffs?" Louis says.

Zayn shakes his head. "Nope. You've already done that."

Louis huffs, "Please, guys" he begs.

"No! Now pucker up!" Harry says.

Louis hesitantly turns to Liam who's looking down and playing with the hem of his shirt.

"Liam" Zayn warns. Liam sighs and looks up at Louis. They both stare at each for awhile. Something flashes in both their eyes that's unrecognizable.

Louis closes his eyes and leans in while Liam does the same. Then their lips meet. Louis' lips move against Liam's passionetly, well it looks that way. Liam's eyes shoot open and he just freezes. Louis places his hand on Liam's cheek and pushes forward, deepening the kiss. Liam gasps and flutters his eyes shut. He still doesn't move his lips against Louis' but he doesn't pull back. After about five more seconds, they both pull away breathlessly.

"Whoa" Harry croaks.

"Shut up. If I'm gonna kiss him, I might as well made it good" Louis says.

Zayn and Harry burst out laughing while Liam and Louis just sit their with red faces. Ah, what a good night.

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