Taehyung - Enchanting

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A/N : Supernatural AU

Mentions of violence, so please skip it if uncomfortable.

Reader is badass in this, so yeah

Mention of pedophilia, so again, pls skip if uncomfortable okay


Taehyung had been alive for billions of years, but he had never ever fallen in love with someone like you. You with your breathtaking smiles, your loud laughs, your kind warm aura, your confidence, your talents, your hugs, your kisses, your voice, your eyes, your silliness and your body. He could spend his entire lifetime worshipping you and so much more.

Taehyung was a cross of an angel and a demon. He didn't show bigotry of who people regardless of their gender or sexuality. He has seen many events and occasions, with him being alive for many many years. Trans, non-binary, agender, genderfluid, gender non-conforming or cis, he respected human beings who weren't bigots towards marginalized groups.

Every night, Taehyung roamed the streets, rescuing people who were about to be victims of violence. He killed predators and abusers who wanted to take advantage of innocence of people. He saved children from abusive homes and gave them a safe place after giving them more than enough resources. He had magical powers and he could use them for the good of this world.

On one such walk, he met you. You weren't the weak one, oh no, you were not being the victim, you were saying the victim from the perpetrator.

You had been walking home after a long day of work. You were a welder and that meant you had amazing strength and stamina because you often had to go to different places due to the demand of welders. You specialized in underwater welding and it gave you a lot of opportunities to travel around the world. Not only that, it was a much more decent pay with all the benefits.

You made the decision to go to a trading school after graduating from high school, to earn some training so you can take up a part time job along with college.

Three years in, you have been attending an evening/night college to study your favorite course after working all day.

You made friends with your fellow welders who taught you self-defense moves and attacks in case you ever encountered any. They were very friendly and more than willing to accept you with them. They were your family. You could turn to them to find a solution or for help. They have been with you through thick and thin.

On that particular night, you were in a good mood until you heard a small scream of terror. Running towards the source of sound, you were horrified at the sight of a thin, slightly burly man cornering a young child, about to hit them. You immediately sprang into action by running nimbly and giving a strong kick to the bastard's face making him fly towards the nearest wall.

Turning towards the child, you told them to turn around while you took care of the bad guy. The child audibly sniffled and held your hand tightly to save them.

Meanwhile, the bad guy was coming to his senses and you saw him shakily stand up to swing at you. He had muscles and he thought that he could bring a person like you down in no time but little did he know that even though your hands were soft, your punches and kicks were enough to make a person fall into a coma.

Taehyung heard the weep of a child when he was strolling at night, as usual. What he didn't expect to see was a strong soft-figured person, whose punches and kicks were not so soft to the face of the pedophile.

Running towards you, he was about to burn the person when he saw the child looking at him. At the exact moment, the predator dropped to the floor, blood covering his face and teeth knocked out from your strong attacks.

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