[ dark max / evil short story ].

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A/n: au max. One of my many evil versions of him.

Remanent. A place were humans, faunus, and Grimm lived in conflict with each other. Humans hated Faunus. Faunus hated Humans. Grimm fed off the negative energy they gave off and attacked them. But soon humans and faunus decided to make peace with each other and tried to get along, it work a little. But Grimm still existed feeding off the negative side of them. But one day. A kingdom by the name of vacuo was destroyed, in ruins, no survivors, not even a trace of the ones who did it. Then mistral was completely decimated, the entire kingdom and island wiped off the face of remnant leaving nothing but a massive creator in the ocean. And final atlas the city was blown up, burning, no survivors. Its academy and military destroyed and gone, general ironwood and winter Schnee dead. And that only one left. The bale kingdom.

3rd POV. [ half destroyed moon / base ].
On the cracked moon that was orbiting around remnant, stood a metal base big enough to hold many stood a figure of a 12 year old. Black hair, white pupils, black clothes, white shirt, black jacket, pants, and shoes.

Kid: hehe. To bad for you Salem, my power is far more superior to anyone on this miserable planet then you or the pathetic old worthless goat.

Max: i max rose may have a stupid death! But in death I was resurrected by a truly powerful being.

Max looked down to his left wrist seeing his ultimatrix. Custom made black, white, Grey.

Max: ozpin. You truly are pathetic bring the gods back to judge us all, you truly are stupid. We can barley stand each other let alone live with one another. Hebehe, I'll make sure to slowly kill you.


Max remembered how killed Salem by unleashing a storm that destroyed her and her associates. Including the castle and Grimm production as well. Ruby was easy, enter the dust shop and shooting the shopkeeper and firing a blast at ruby that turned her grey and she collapsed into a pile of ash. Then left after smashing the dust vials and leaving a little metal canister that exploded destroyed the dust shop with everything in it.

Flashback ends.

Max: guess you and your mom having something in common now ruby. Because you're both dead! Ahahahaha.

Timeskip. [ vale nearly destroyed ].

For the past six days vale was nearly gone, civilians both human and faunus were being killed. Ship sunk, roads destroyed, highways sabotaged, and soon teams of huntsman were killed or missing. Then menagerie was destroyed.

Max: *menagerie / status: gone* your daughter had the right ideas ghira. To bad I killed her to early along with the Schnee. It would've been fun to make her suffer. *leaves the burning house*

Max: *outside / status: burning* truly beautiful. *thunder* tch. *looks up* the gods may have abandoned this world but, they would've have destroyed regardless changed or not.

[ patch / rose household ].

Taiyang was in panic ruby wasn't answering his calls or messages.

Tai: come on ruby pick up.

No answer.

Tai: Damn it! *ends call* maybe qrow—.

The door was blown off it hinges.

Tai: What the- *blasted in the left arm* Ah!.

Tai grabbed his shoulder in pain. A hooded figure made his into the house and removed his hood revealing.

 A hooded figure made his into the house and removed his hood revealing

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Unknown: Tai. Father of yang and ruby.

Tai: *shocked* Who, what are you and how you know about my daughters?!

Unknown: why would I tell you. *finger beam*.

Tai: *beam to the stomach* y-you won't get away with this.

Unknown: hehe *smirk and reach behind his back* you wanna know something *toss a red object to tai* I believe this is your daughter weapon.

Tai: *tears* r-r-ruby. *looks at him* what- *beam to head*.

Unknown: *sigh* pathetic! Don't worry your blond brat of daughter will join you soon. Hahaha.

The unknown humanoid walked out of the house and fired another beam hitting the oven causing explosion which caused a fire that spread burning the rest of house. The unknown figure flew up and made his over to a cliff.

Unknown: *staring at something* hello summer it's been a while. *sees something else* oh, I see you have my grave next to yours. Hehe. Summer. You died alone and got nothing. But I died first but unlike you I got a second chance plus a newer body, along with the something extra.

The figure aimed its right palm at the grave and fired an energy blasted that destroyed the graves.

Max: *the figure transformed to max* hehe. This world will die by my hands.

[ timeskip / outer space / 2 days later ].

Beacons huntsman were all eliminated the academy itself was destroyed.

Max: knows the time.

Little skip.

Remnant was gone destroyed and absorbed by the giant metal horned being. Leaving nothing. But the cracked moon.

Max: *still in form* now time to destroy the souls.

Max unleashed lightning eradicating the existence of human and faunus souls.

Max: *finished* hahahahahahahahahahaha! ( final I'm done ). *teleports somewhere*.

[ Dark realm / castle ].

Max: *back to normal* master. *bow* I have returned to you.

Dark lord: ah max, I see you have returned.

Max: yes i have my lord.

Dark lord: how was it returning to remnant.

Max: fun. But I enjoyed it. And destroyed it.

Dark lord: excellent work my dark warrior. Pitiful gods and there creation. *laughs* humans stupid and worthless beings. The only thing their good for is fuel for us dark gods feeding off there hatred and misery makes us stronger. After all humans are truly destructive and evil. Huhuhu.

Max: so what next master?

Dark lord: *smile* hmm.

Max: what now master.

Dark lord: don't know I already erased the god brothers. Hmm........ suppose we wait for something interesting to happen.

Max: okay.


max: the maiden powers. *activates the machine that destroyed all four maiden powers* worthless and useless powers.

Flashback ends.

Max: ( remnant. Heheheh your nothing but a useless experiment created by your creators. ). *leaves the throne room*.

A/n: that ends this tale. Original I wrote this four or three times but deleted it.

A/n: original it was really long but i shorten it. Dark max also carries a blaster pistol.

A/n: used clockwork to see the past.

A/n: destroyed vacuo I as a giant robot. Fired a massive laser on Mistral. Blew up atlas city as Frieza.

Ultimate alien hero of remnant ( rwby harem x oc max ) ( discontinued ).Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin