Chapter 5: the Hero vs the Fallen Huntsman. ( past ).

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A/n: mention in the prologue. Plus the second arch villain. Lot other franchise alien appearances / before he unlocked master control.

[ uninhabited island / the fallen's hideout ].

Flashback. [ fallen huntsman ].

On an unknown island. Once a future huntsman in training. Trained and raised by ironwood. As he got older and except into atlas. He was admired by everyone due to his unmatched skills in combat and his semblance *plunder*. But unknown to everyone else except for ozina. She knew about his past, how the White Fang killed his parents, how during the initiation he smiled scaring remaining Grimm that ran away from. Him, at first she shook off. But 2 months she got a report from ironwood stating that Ted killed some White Fang members not even showing mercy. This of course didn't affect ironwood just made him pounder about the kid's action. This made ozina worry due to his past and history. Three week later, the vale news reported that atlas was nearly destroyed by someone.

Bio: Ted Morris. The son of Henry and Mary Morris. Two of the strongest huntsman to ever attend Beacon academy, had child with semblance called plunder. Look into his eyes and he'll steal you're semblance right before your very eyes. He lost his parents to the White Fang at very young age. As Ted got older most would describe him as normal, but unknown to everyone. Ted had some darkness in his heart, during the initiation killing the Grimm brought pleasure to him. But 2 months later Ted encountered the White Fang at first he stood still not afraid but thinking about them and what they did. Soon Ted act on instinct and killed them showing no mercy to them. This made ironwood mad and questioned Ted about his behavior, in which Ted told ironwood, that if he had a problem with his actions. Then he'll deal with the problem personally.

Soon ironwood tried taking Ted down, atlas was nearly destroyed during the fierce battle with the fallen huntsman. As for Ted he escaped and flew away from atlas, to an uninhabited island far from the four kingdoms. And plotted his revenge on the White Fang, huntsman Academics, and the four kingdoms. Of remnant.

Flashback of fallen Ends.

Max POV. [ age 14 / Ocean ].

Max: *driving a speed boat* maybe the uninhabited island can be my little vacation home.

Little timeskip. [ uninhabited island ].

Max's boat was on the sand, grounded and stuck. Max made it shore the boat was stuck on sandy shore so he could have a way to escape just in case something went wrong.

Max: *checking boat* okay, boat docked. Now time to explore *backpack on*.

Max began walking through the forest.

Timeskip. [ sunlight / 10:00am ].

As max was getting a little deeper in the jungle, he wonder about the person who attack atlas.

Max: Hope Ironfool didn't create a malfunction robot that targets everything in its sight.

But unknown to max. A shadow figure was following him.

SF: *following max from a distance slowly* uuh! *low growl*.

Max: *now check his ultimatrix* ( the ultimatrix. I feel like the world's most powerful person if anyone else knew about this. then, I be in really trouble. ) *stomach growl* dang it! I skipped breakfast..

He stops near a stump and sits on it. Then takes his backpack off and unzips it.

Max: *looking in it* Chocolate, Ham sandwich, chips, and, a Soda.

Max picked the sandwich. And got it out from the plastic bag, then took a bite out of it.

Max takes three more bites then one last bite, finishing his sandwich.

Ultimate alien hero of remnant ( rwby harem x oc max ) ( discontinued ).Where stories live. Discover now