Chapter 4: the Kid.

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A/n: one of my many villains. Original called 'The Stranger'.

2 days later. [ Max's house / 7:30am ].

As two days went by. Max was busy fixing his car. While in the distance, a radio was reporting about someone fighting huntsman.

Little timeskip.

Max: done. *finished with the car engine* now, time to see if she still got it!

Gets in his car, starts it up, puts his foot on the brake, moves the handle, and proceeds to drive out of the ranch.

Timeskip [ 8:29am \ forest ].

Max: *driving and playing other worldly music* this is my music.

Max: *listening to beats* Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken I've even forgotten my name.

Song: I don't—. *stop the song*.

Radio: We interrupt your regularly programming to bring you a special news bulletin, earlier today a 10 foot tall man was spotted in vale fighting cops and huntsman. Whoever this mysterious criminal is. viewers be warned if you encounter this person run and call the police. That it is all, now back to regular schedule programming. *continue song*.

Max: ( probably an angry worker who just got fired. ).

Little timeskip.

Max was still driving. But unknown to him someone was walking.

POV 3rd [ unknown Kid / road ].

A kid in a brown trench coat was walking down the dirt side road. Then decided to walk onto the road.

Kid: no cars insight?

Small Timeskip / back to Max.

Max was coming up the road to we're the kid was.

Max: *sees something on the road* what is- *sees its a kid* Holy!

Max slams on the breaks coming to a complete 3 inches away from the kid.

Max: *looks through the window seeing the kids not there* ( Oh no. ).

Get out of his car and goes in front of the car seeing him on the ground, not hurt or bleeding.

Max: You okay? *offers him a hand*.

Kid: *looks up at max, then back at his hand* yes. I'm okay. *grabs Max's hand gets pulled up*

Max: what are you doing out here on the road kid?

Kid: my parents made me walk. *tears* Punishment because I broke a window.

Max: sorry *head pats him* where exactly do you live?

Kid: oh, just down the lane. A least 16 miles away. *points*.

Max: ( there's no house or village located in this area except for mine. Plus no else knows about my secret road here. ) mind if I ask a few questions kid.

Kid: yes

Max: what's your name?

Bane: well my name is Bane.

Max: So Bane, tell me about yourself.

Bane: well-

A/n: Timeskip, yeah not doing that.

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