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Byrd cantered ahead through camp, leaving Ilian with Octavia and Harper. She headed straight for the bay, sliding off Apollo's before she'd even stopped. She stumbled as she ran forward, looking back over her shoulder to make sure Ilian was still behind her; Harper now with him.

'Clarke,' She called as she ran into the bay; 'It's Tav.'

'She just stopped breathing,' Harper exclaimed as the pair ran in.

'Ok. Get her on the table now,' Clarke instructed.

'She's been stabbed in her stomach, I tried to stop the bleeding as much as I could,' The Delani girl informed the blonde.

'First things first.'

Clarke began to perform CPR on Octavia, counting softly to herself before she looked up at Ilian.

'Who are you? How did this happen to her?' She asked.

'Ilian kom Trishanakru. I was on my way home from Polis when I found them.'

'I found her on the river bed, she was soaked so she must've floated down stream from somewhere,' Byrd shrugged.

Clarke nodded at the information, lowering her mouth over Octavia's to blow breaths into her lungs. It was silent as everyone watched on, Byrd's hands ticking as she fidgeted. After a few breaths, soft coughs left Octavia's mouth as she rolled her head to the side; breathing on her own.

'Ok. Get her to medical now,' Clarke instructed, Monty taking off; 'Getting her here saved her life. Thank you.'

Ilian looked shocked as Byrd smirked, her eyes falling to Octavia as she began to whisper something.

'Hey, hey, hey, hey, shh, it's ok. It's ok,' Clarke cooed; 'You're ok. Octavia, you've lost a lot of blood, but you're home now. I'm gonna help you.'

'Azgeda's coming,' The girl muttered.

'What's she talking about?' Monty asked as he placed the stretcher down.

'Octavia, hey, hey, hey, stay with me,' Clarke pleaded.

'War is here,' Octavia stated before he eyelids fluttered.

The blonde paused before looking up at Monty, 'Take her. Go...Start an I.V, blood and fluids, and and get a suture kit ready.'

Clarke muttered something to Murphy before moving onto Harper, leaving the pair who had saved Octavia's life standing there; helpless. She took off with another grounder running after her, Ilian looking around wide eyed.

'Well, that was fun,' She sighed dramatically; 'Time to go.'

'Byrd,' David called as he strode toward her; 'You're with me.'

Guiltless Sin || John MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now