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Byrd threw up at her feet, the third time within ten minutes. The girl was sick of the needles and the blood, something she never thought she'd grow sick off. She rested her head against the cage, her eyes falling shut. She listened to Dr Tsing's muttering as she paced, something about their blood not working.

'Well, if it doesn't work,' The Delani girl drawled; 'You can let me out of this damn cage so I can die in the forest away from you freaks.'

The woman paused for a moment to glare over at the girl, before she shook her head and continued her pacing.

'Come on, psycho,' She whined; 'Let me go.'

'Shut up,' Dr Tsing sneered.

'Nah, I'd much rather talk.'

The woman continued to pace, trying to ignore Byrd's singing.

'I have a lovely bunch of coconuts,' She sung; 'All of them standing in a row. Bum, bum, bum. Big ones. Small ones. Some as big as your head-'

'Shut up!' Lorelei screeched.

She smirked as the doctor glared at her once more, before her face lit up with an idea. Lorelei looked at the girl once more after she gathered her things, quickly rushing out of the room. Byrd kicked at her cage door, watching as the metal bent just a little more.


Guards rushed at her as she slept, pulling Byrd from her cage kicking and screaming. She fought against their tight grips, kicking her legs about and trashing her body side to side.

'Get off me,' She yelled; 'I'll kill you all.'

She tucked her arms under her body the moment she was shoved down onto the table in a different room, holding them there as they were tugged at. She yelled out as they tied her ankles down, placing another cuff around the back of her neck. An elbow came to nail her in the spine, her arms finally being able to be pulled out.

Her wrists were strapped down before the familiar click of Dr Tsing's heels, her cold hands pulling down the side of her underwear a little more. Byrd moved away from her touch, tugging at her restraints. She watched as a new pair of shoes came to sit by the wall, but she couldn't see a face until she forced her head up to look at him. It was a man, his face cold, but she had never seen him before.

'Would someone like to explain to me why I'm strapped to a damn table?' She spat.

'Don't worry,' Dr Tsing smiled; 'This won't hurt.'

'I'm sure it won't. But it doesn't explain anything.'

A sharp pain shot through her hip, before she felt the tickle of blood rolling down her skin. She struggled against her restraints, refusing to stop.

Guiltless Sin || John MurphyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant