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Byrd's body writhed on the table as her mind ran wild, flames and screams echoing in her mind. Her body shot up when she woke, harsh coughs leaving her mouth as rain drops hit her skin. She curled over in pain as her ribs ached, Clarke beside her in an instant. She gripped the blonde's jacket shoulder as her eyes clenched shut, her body leant forward; just being held up by the little energy she had left.

'Where's... Mum?' She croaked.

'She's ok,' Clarke nodded; 'How're you feeling?'

'When will you guys... Let me die?'


'No, shit. Where's Mum?'

'She's resting, breathing and vitals are good.'

'Good... Now, who blew up the ship so I can kill him?'

'It was Ilian.'


She groaned as she pushed herself up to stand, coughing as Clarke hovered beside her; waiting for her to fall.

'Take it easy,' She warned.

'I'm fine, Blondie,' Byrd waved her off.

She stumbled away from the girl, hissing as she bumped her wrapped hand on her leg. Her body felt like it was burning, small burns decorating her upper arms and back. Though, she collapsed before getting halfway to the lock up; Clarke over her in a second.

'We need to get you to a bed,' She stated as she lifted her up.

'I'm fine, Clarke,' The Delani girl mumbled.

'No, you're not.'

She staggered alongside the blonde as she helped her to the makeshift med bay, laying her down on a table beside Octavia. An oxygen mask was quickly placed over her mouth, her lungs drawing in the fresh air despite the memories playing on her close eye lids.

'Breathe, Byrd,' Clarke rubbed her back; 'Breathe.'

'Piss... Off,' She muttered.

'You're about to have a panic-'

'I don't have panic attacks, and I swear, if you went through my records, I'll carve your eyes out.'

'Breathe and I wouldn't have to worry.'

'Don't know why you would in the first place.'

Clarke sent her a bored look as she continued to breath in the oxygen until her chest wasn't heaving, drawing the mask from her face when it did. She dumped it to the floor and laid on her back staring up at the roof, waving Clarke away.

'Don't move,' She warned.

'Go help my mum, would you?' Byrd sighed.

She sighed when the girl finally walked away, closing her eyes as she let her arm fall over her face.

Guiltless Sin || John MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now