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Despite her effort to fight the guards off, Byrd was forced into cuffs and up the hall by the guards with the other pair behind her. The man's grip sat firmly on her chains, not letting her go as he marched closely behind her. She glared at the back of the guard's head in front of her,  stumbling over her own feet as the muscles around her hips occasionally gave way. She leant against the wall when they suddenly paused, attempting to push Jasper away as he held her up.

'Byrd, just stop,' He muttered.

She didn't say anything as she scowled at him, a look that would usually send people running; but he was used to it by now. 

'Out of the way, Vincent,' The soldier leading them stated.

'That's my daughter,' Vincent motioned to Maya.

'Dad, don't,' The girl begged.

'Quiet,' The soldier sneered; 'She's been aiding and abetting the outsiders. You need to get out of our way.'

'I won't let you take her, Paul,' Vincent shook his head.

'Listen carefully. We've got orders. She knows where they're hiding. Now step aside. I'm not gonna ask you again.'

'If you want her, you got to go through me.'

'Dad, please. They'll kill you,' Maya cried.

'Don't make me do this, Vincent,' Paul pulled his gun.

'Sorry, Paul.'

The soldiers head snapped to the side as a gunshot went off, his body falling to the ground. The other guard shot forward as Vincent moved to pull the grate from the wall, Miller wrapping the chain from his handcuffs around his neck. Byrd stumbled forward, pulling a knife from her waistband; holding the soldiers shoulders to keep herself up right.

'Byrd,' Bellamy called.

She met his gaze, her pupils zoning in and out as she swayed on her feet. Miller slammed the soldiers head into the wall beside him, letting him fall to the ground. Jasper snatched the keys to all their handcuffs, moving to undo Miller's first then her own.

'Miller, you ok?' Belllamy asked.

'Better than him,' The boy muttered.

'Need to get everyone into the harvest chamber. You'll be safer there.'

'Safe in the harvest chamber?' Jasper suggested.

'Just trust me.'

'Are the others there?'

'Not yet.'


'Monty's with the other group on level three.'

Guiltless Sin || John MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now