He finally reaches a door with a sign that says KEEP OUT on it. Zayn obliges and goes to run back downstairs till Niall opens the door. His eyes go wide as he sees Niall shirtless. Oh my Lord Jesus.

"Z-Zayn!" Niall jumps.

"Hi" Zayn replies, looking at his shoes.

"Sorry, I didn't think you'd be here this early" Niall turns back into his room and rummages through some drawers till he pulls out a white band t-shirt. He throws it on as Zayn stares and licks his lips continuously, eying Niall's pale body

"You okay?" Niall gives him a concerned look.

"Y-yeah, good" Zayn says, looking up from Niall's torso. God damn, the boy is getting some abs.

Niall takes a seat on his bed and pulls out his phone. Zayn stands in the doorway not knowing what to do. He stands there for about a minute and looks around Niall's room. He's seen it before but not this close. Niall's walls are a dark gray and he has black and white band posters all over his walls. Linkin Park, Coldplay, Arctic Monkeys, Foster the People, Rise Against, Rage Against the Machine, and the All-American Rejects plastered all over the place. He also has a full bed with gray sheets and a black duvet on it. Zayn smiles to himself. If he already wasn't watching Niall, he'd imagine this is what his room would look like.

He turns to Niall again, seeing him on his phone and texting. Zayn frowns. Is he ignoring him? Zayn clears his throat but doesn't get a response, not even a glance. He clears it again but louder but Niall's still on his stupid iPhone. Zayn sighs. Great, he's ignoring him and he's still pissed.


Niall looks up at him this time but has a blank expression. Zayn gulps.

"What?" he says.

"I-I...I just wanted to say I'm sorry for saying those things. I didn't mean it."

Niall scoffs and tosses his phone next to him. "Yeah, you did. I told you I get it. I'm just some badboy delinquent teenager. I'm a teenage dirtbag."

Zayn shakes his head, "No you're not. You're...you're n-nice."

Niall laughs, "No I'm not obviously! Zayn, just forget about it okay? I'm nothing but a trouble maker. You were right, just forget it."

Zayn takes a step. "No you're not. Look, I shouldn't have judged you. I've just seen guys like you and I just figured you were the badboy type."

"I am. I mean, I was. I am. Ugh. Look, I've had troubles at my old school. I've gotten into fights and have gotten expelled numerous times. I am the badboy type but my parents...my parents said that if I don't straighten up my act, I'll live with my uncle and I don't wanna do that. I'm trying my best. I haven't gotten in any fights and I haven't gotten in any trouble. But my mum...she keeps getting on back and its driving me fucking insane. I swear I'm never gonna be good enough for her."

Zayn takes another step. "I'm sorry that's happening to you and I'm glad you're trying to fix yourself."

"Yeah, yeah. It doesn't seem to be working though. My mum's still a pain in my arse."

"Sorry to hear that. What does she do?"

"She gets mad at me whenever I smoke or drink. Its a habit and its hard to break. I can't help it. Everytime she sees me smoking or drinking she yells at me saying how much I'm a fuck up and how if I don't change I'll end up in jail like my dad. Like tonight, she said that if I'm not on my best behavior she'll kick me out and I'll be staying with my uncle."

Zayn's heart clenches. How could his mum do this to him? She seems like a such a nice lady. Zayn finally takes a seat on Niall's bed. He glances at Niall who's staring at the carpet.

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