Crescent 19: Heaven's Gathering Clouds..(2)

Start from the beginning

"I don't know about the Fatty, but I certainly am not someone you should take to start any religious affair."Arafat looked over at the excited plump guy.

At this, he caught the attention of the plump dark guy who looked over with a confused expression.

"Hey, what's going on.."The guy looked clueless."And who's the Fatty?"

They both looked over, Arkaan had a sorry expression on his face; Arafat gave a smug smile, making a waving gesture to the guy as much as his tied wrists could let him, as if he didn't just right now insult him.

Why is he venting out on the other guy too? Arkaan remained silent.

Maybe it was best to keep quiet. They didn't want the first students of the halaqah to begin fighting amongst themselves on the first day now, did they?

"Geez Dios(God), with so many youths swarming the South district and beyond, how did I end up being the one made to suffer such humiliation."

Like this he continued lamenting nonstop, occasionally adding some Spanish words and phrases. His every word showed the profoundest sorrow and pity over his fate.

Even Arkaan was beginning to sympathize with him.

"Enough with your ravings!"

A cold and sharp authoritative call pierced through the masjid. It wasn't too loud.

Actually, it was a low clear and baritone voice. But it was audible. Audible enough to be heard by everyone in the masjid at that moment. What was chilling about it was that, even if it were any bit lower, it'd still carry a powerful dominance, and all voices in the masjid would at once quieten down.

Arkaan looked over to search for the source of the voice even though he'd a slight guess, and so did the others. With the other brothers from Zak's group gone, they were only five left in the masjid.

It was Ukashah. Apparently, the indifferent boy was fed up.

Excellent score, Arafat! Arkaan mentally commented. You really have the ability to move pokerfaced Ukashah..

When Ukashah wanted, he could actually deliberately release a dominating aura without even trying. Even though Arkaan witnessed this once with Eastern Waterfall, and even though the pokerfaced guy seldom spoke a word, when he opened his mouth to speak, he held some power to his voice no matter how low, that even Arkaan found it hard to comprehend. But that was the medication the loud Spaniard boy needed to shut up.

Ukashah looked in their direction, a cold glint in his eyes, and yet a look of indifference graced his finely crafted face. He got up suddenly, and walked towards the two at the pillar.

Arkaan sighed. He was surprised when he noticed Arafat glare back at Ukashah. This guy really has stomach for this. He softly laughed. Well, I wonder who'd win.

Their gazes were locked in a staring battle, neither backing down, even as Ukashah took slow measured steps towards them. He walked all so well with perfect dignity like a person of royal standard, Arkaan noted.

But Arafat soon lost it when Ukashah had reached them. Looked away to the side, a frown formed on his face. He really did resent to be there with them.

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Where stories live. Discover now