Crescent 18: Yasmin!(4)

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For a moment, both sides just stood there, a measured distance from each other. The dense tree crowns blocked sunlight and warmth. The place was humid. The lower parts of their thobes were soaked and the sudden breeze sent a chill down their spine.

Arkaan suddenly turned to look at them.

It all looked eerie, - like he was different from the carefree boy they were chasing from before. His eyes contained something which was not there before - defiance!

Arkaan was silent. He had a tacit expression on his face.

I never did you any wrong, except return your words to you. An eye for an eye, but it seems you guys like going too far, and wish an arm for a hand. Hmph!

"This is the last chance I'm giving you guys. You can turn back and we all act like this never happened."

Arkaan really didn't mind, even if they were more than they were now.

He's been chased down by a real predator before.

He had ran for his life before.

Allah! He'd almost been eaten alive before.

What could he care about this batch of bullies?

He could hear the distinct buzzing nearby.

"Seems, between the wolf and the lamb, the lamb really does not get that it's the prey." One of the new guys scoffed,"Well let me get it clear into your thick skull for you."

Nobody saw it coming.

By the time the big stone was hurtling towards Arkaan, no one could stop it.


Arkaan ducked in a graceful way, bending by his waist backwards. He surprised even himself, not to talk of the onlookers. His reflexes were in full swing. He then noticed he'd just mimicked a move he had seen Ukashah use during their little duel.

Even the other guys were dumbfounded. But seeing who it was, they couldn't say anything. Babar was the number one notorious boy in their halaqah.

As if pissed off by his miss just now, Babar took more stones to aim at Arkaan. Some of the other boys followed suit.

Arkaan laughed, taking to his heels, the boys chasing after him. These guys are fools. By the time they realize what they've done, it'll be too late.

And then, everything happened within the fraction of a second.


By the time the sound became distinct enough to them, Arkaan had long since fled.

Swarms upon swarms of bees canopied them from above, darkening the already dim forest floor. It seemed they could fill the sky.

The boys were too left in shock to even react. It was when the first sting got the baldheaded Layyin that, his high-pitched scream awakened them from the trance.

In a split second, they were running in different directions, each person for himself.

It seemed they had forgotten the way back. South district seemed a long way to them, - the rush was so mad they didn't even look to the safety of the river behind, the forest was their only thought of safety. In this minds, it held more concealing places for safety than the open river.

Unfortunately for them, the entire forest was packed with beehives. The increase in humming and buzzing sounds should have told them their frenzy in trying to escape, was only alerting all the more bees.

The Circle Of The Qur'an #1[The Arkaan Series] ✓Where stories live. Discover now