"This looks really good", Freed smiled. "It takes only five minutes to walk over to the Guild from here."

"Yeah. You wanna see the upstairs?" Laxus asked and Freed nodded, following him up the stairs that were right across the front door.

On the hallway there were four doors, three of them led to the bedrooms and behind the fourth door there were stairs to the attic. Freed remembered how it was mentioned that the attic was easy to renovate so it could be used as a library or similar if they so wanted. And yes, he really liked that idea.

"Can we check the rooms too?" Freed asked, since the doors were closed.

"Yes, we can look around as much as we want, but we have to return the keys to the owner by the noon", Laxus said. "You wanna see the master bedroom first?" he smirked.

"It wouldn't feel like home if it wasn't the way we would feel comfortable", Freed chuckled.

Laxus opened the door to the master bedroom and Freed stepped in. The room was big which was good. There were also a big closet but the third door made him confused.

"We could have our own bathroom?" he gasped as he opened the door. It wasn't as big as the bathroom in downstairs but still really comfortable.

"What, aren't you used to have own bathroom since you have grown up in those big ass mansions?" Laxus asked amused because of that reaction.

"This is different! This is our house. I can hardly even remember it anymore how it feels when you don't need to share a bathroom with someone else."

"I'm still here, you know..."

"I know, but you know what I mean", Freed chuckled caressing Laxus' broad chest. "I have to say, I'm really starting to like this house", he hummed happily.

"Good to hear", Laxus smiled brushing his fingers over Freed's cheek. "You wanna see the two other bedrooms?"

"Of course", Freed said and they went back to the hallway.

Laxus opened the next door and let Freed step in. The rune mage looked around, the room was nice but he got confused when he saw something at the corner of it.

"Is that supposed to be here?" he asked pointing at the furniture covered by sheet.

"Yeah", Laxus said stepping beside it. "It took a little while to talk the owner over so I could bring it here before showing this place to you, even though it wasn't sure that we would get this place but I just thought it could be a nice surprise", he said and took off the sheet.

Freed blinked. It was a cradle. It was really old, there was hardly any paint even left and there was few simple little carvings that were almost invisible by now. It was obvious that this cradle was decades old.

He looked at Laxus confused and the lightning mage huffed slightly blushing.

"It's kind of a family heirloom", he muttered. "Gramps wanted me to dig it up from his attic from the middle of the other junk there is, so we could maybe use it too. He told me that Yuri bought it."

"Makarov's father?" Freed asked his eyes widened.

"Same guy."

"It's obvious that even if it's old, it has been taken care of and it has been used. So... Did you maybe...?"

"Fuck", Laxus groaned his cheeks turning more red. "I told that old geezer I didn't want to bring that thing over!" he growled.

"You used this too?" Freed almost shouted his eyes shining happily looking at the old cradle. It was really hard to imagine that towering man being so small once that he could sleep in this.

"It's ugly as hell but guess it's just as good as any cradle, right?" Laxus grumbled. "At least we don't need to buy that item then. I don't know anything about decorating kids room and shit but guess this is at least something, right?"

Freed looked at the old cradle that was just waiting so someone might once again feel the safety of it while it could softly lull that tiny person to sleep. He touched the old wooden surface that was soft because of the years. He could almost hear how there were so many stories told beside this little bed and maybe even some songs sang.

It was just waiting there, ready to take care of their son. Freed had to swallow hard when he even thought that, trying to picture it in his head.

"What?" Laxus asked alarmed when smelling the tears.

"I love it", Freed sniffled. "I absolutely love it", he said hugging Laxus tightly.

"You don't need to get that sentimental over some old half a barrel", Laxus said, but he patted Freed's hair.

"It's perfect", the swordsman said with a tiny hiccup.

"So why are you crying?"

"I still find it really hard to believe all this", Freed confessed wiping off his tears, thought new ones just rolled over right away. "I still feel sometimes when I go to sleep that in the next morning I will wake up and everything was just a lovely dream. Then there would be only unbearable pain left when I have to come back to reality..." he sniffled. "If that would really happen and we would just continue, you coming over to eat breakfast with us since you don't want to make it yourself, just talking casually and not even aware of my feelings I always tried to bury so deep inside... I just don't think I would be able to take it, not anymore after this wonderful dream."

Laxus huffed looking at the trembling man but smiled, kissing Freed's forehead lovingly. Seriously, this man. This loyal, smart, amazing man who always managed to make him feel himself so loved. He really was lucky.

"Don't worry, you don't have to wake up to go through something like that", he reassured hugging Freed. "I promise. So we're gonna keep that cradle then?" he chuckled, trying to make Freed to calm down.

"And the house", Freed demanded between his sobs.

"Sure, if you like it. I'm gonna talk with the owner today about it. Come on, I'm gonna take you home, you're too emotional and I know you would hate me later if I'd let you go to the guild while crying like that."

"Can we take the cradle too?" Freed asked wiping his eyes and looked at the furniture that was still patiently waiting. Laxus lifted his eyebrow and Freed let out a tiny chuckle. "I know, I'm being ridiculous."

"You know I'm not gonna carry that thing around just to carry it back here right after."

"Worth to try", Freed chuckled and Laxus smiled, pulling his fiancé along with him.


Thanks for @kaykay0805 for giving me the idea of Laxus trying to furnish Felix's room :D though, I don't think he is really good with that so he just brought only that craddle over ^^

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