Paranoia || Naruto Uzumaki || Chapter 9

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I'M SO SORRY! I hope that I haven't lost all my readers for this story. I sincerely hope this makes up for the lack of updates. Comments and likes appreciated as always C: 


“So, Sakura, what’s going on between you and Sasuke?” Melanie asked as she searched through her drawers. She was looking for a set of her comfiest underwear but she couldn’t find the pair. With a frown she pulled out another pair stuffing them in her overnight bag.

            “There’s nothing really going on between us,” Sakura said softly. Melanie glanced over to where Sakura was picking up the magazine she had been skimming through. Her cheeks were tinted pink matching the color of her hair.

            “Really? Why the reaction to my question?” Melanie asked pulling out an oversized shirt and a pair of boxers.

            “Because I love him.” It was a bold, straightforward answer but the way Sakura said it had Melanie thinking of a puppy left out in the rain.

            “Then go for it.” Melanie suggested moving to her closet.

            “I can’t,” Sakura said holding up a hand to quiet Melanie’s protests. “I’m not one of those girls who thinks I’m not worthy of him. He would be extremely happy with me. I’m the one who loves him the most. I’m sure you’ve seen all his fan girls but I’m better than their school girl crushes.”

            Melanie nodded, beginning to understand. Sasuke was a pretty boy, one shrouded in mystery and aloof enough to drive the girls mad. He was a walking chick magnet. Melanie had seen the hoards of girls following him around outside the coffee shop, some even brave enough to follow him inside and confess their feelings. She chewed on her bottom lip wondering if Naruto had a following like that.

            “Besides, I’m pretty sure he likes someone else.”

            “Who?” Melanie asked curiously, soaking up the girl talk. She missed having someone to be girly with.

            “Hinata,” Sakura said, her voice small.

            “The girl who’s house you told Naruto we’d be at?”

            “Yes. Sasuke and Hinata grew up together. Their families were close so they were together a lot. He has a familiarity with her that I haven't seen him have with anyone outside of Naruto. I've only known him a fraction of that time."

        "He could be gay," Melanie teased, a smirk settling on her face. "He does seem to care an awful lot about his appearance."

        She glanced at Sakura snickering at the murderous look on her face. "You might want to watch what you say," Sakura said, "If he's gay with anyone, it would be Naruto."

            Melanie let the subject drop not wanting to entertain that thought. As bad as she felt for Sakura, she knew Hinata would be at the girl’s night and she didn’t want to make any presumptions about the unknown girl. Sakura was her friend but Melanie wasn’t one to pick sides. If Sasuke liked someone else, as sad as it was, that was his business.

            “What’s the agenda for tonight” Melanie asked, steering the conversation into safer water.

            Sakura brightened. “The usual girls night: facials, nails and hair. Including gossip about the boys and, of course, chick flicks and all the junk food we can manage to eat.”

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