Paranoia || Naruto Uzumaki || Chapter 19

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I'M SO SORRY. Forgive me for disappearing. I hope this chapter will make up for it!

Guys my beta reader is amazing. Without her this story would be nothing.

Comments, Votes, reads are always appreciated!


Melanie waited till she heard the shower to call Sakura.

"Where are you?" Sakura demanded.

"Naruto's." Melanie guiltily clutched the sheets to her chest.


"I...needed to see him."

"At two in the morning?"

"Yes?" It came out as more of a question than an answer.

"You could have at least told me," Sakura demanded. "I was worried."

"Not even Sasuke could wake you from your slumber," Melanie teased.

"Oh shut up!" Sakura shouted.

Melanie laughed. "I promise I'll make it up to you at work."

"You better." Sakura hung up.

Melanie flopped back onto the bed. She didn't want to go to work. Naruto's bed was warm and inviting. She knew if she stayed that another round of last night's activities would probably ensue.

Not that she minded.

But she desperately needed girl talk with Sakura. She could hardly contain her joy; Naruto loved her. She wanted to gush about it and drive her friend mad with all the mushy details. Melanie sat back up and glanced at the digital clock on the nightstand. At this rate, she was going to be late. Melanie was contemplating the pros and cons of boldly joining Naruto in the shower when she heard it turn off.

Naruto came out moments later using a towel to dry his hair. "Naruto! Cover up!" Melanie's face heated up at the sight of Naruto's naked body.

He smirked at her. "Why so shy?" He struck a pose. "Where's the Melanie from last night?"

Melanie threw a pillow at him, embarrassment reddening her entire body. The pillow fell uselessly to the ground. Naruto raised an eyebrow a wicked grin forming on his lips. "This means war."

Naruto launched forward, scooping up the offending pillow. Melanie squealed, gathering the sheet around her. She bolted from the bed, barely escaping. She wasn't fast enough to avoid the pillow that nailed her in the side. She made a dash for the bathroom, choosing not to retaliate. Naruto caught her arm as she reached the door. He spun her around and pinned her to the wall.

Melanie pulled Naruto's lips down to hers. Their bodies collided and Melanie could feel Naruto's growing excitement. Their kiss was rough, taking Melanie's breath away. She reached her arms up around his neck, pulling him closer. Naruto pulled the sheet away, closing the final distance between their bodies.

Kabuto ripped her towel away. His hands were roaming her body, taking advantage of her vulnerable state. He pressed himself on her, making every intention of his known.

Melanie screamed, pushing against Naruto. She shoved at his chest as tears pooled in her eyes. "Get off of me!"

Naruto took a few steps back his eyes wide from surprise. "Melanie, what's wrong?"

Melanie was hyperventilating. The view of Naruto in front of her was mixing with the memory of Kabuto. Her eyes refused to focus on the boy she loved as her mind assaulted her with images of that night. The tears spilled down her cheeks as she leaned heavily against the wall. She pressed her back roughly into the wall trying to ground herself in the present.

Paranoia || Naruto Uzumaki ||Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz