Chapter Nine

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"I would never give information to cops! Over my dead body." The criminal spat.

Nines looked at the two way mirror and shook his head. Gavin frowned a little. The android left the interrogation room leaving the suspect alone.

"I'll show you what interrogation really is, tin can." The detective chuckled. "You're too soft on him."

"Okay then, show me." The android added and grinned.

The human detective smirked at the RK900 before entering the room. Nines went to the other side to watch his partner.

"Let me guess, the last one was the bad cop and you're the good cop?"

"How bold of you to assume I'm the good cop." Gavin frowned. "Lets get down to business, shall we?"

Karlos frowned at the detective while the man was showing pictures and reports about him.

"This is you, taking the PL600 away. Remember that?" Reed pointed at a CCTV screenshot that the detective found not so long ago.

"That's not me." He looked away.

"Lies.." Gavin glared. He showed another file regarding the infiltration of a Cyberlife warehouse. "Look at that, its you. Stealing some android parts."

Karlos frowned. "Listen, I was just paid to be one of their men. I don't know a single thing on what they're going to do with those parts."

"You know them obviously. So just f*cking tell me!" Gavin slammed the files on the table. The suspect in question flinched a little. "Oh you're scared? I thought you're a beefcake? Huh?!"

"I said I don't know! You're crazy!" He exclaimed.

"F*cking lies.. Who are they?! You can't just accept a job without knowing your employer. So tell me!"

"All I know they work on some kind of experiment! That's it!" Karlos confessed. "They kept saying about making androids to humans and its f*cking disgusting!"

Gavin changed his expression into a calm collected police officer. "What else?"

"They were changing the android's parts into human's and vice versa, then mind washing them!" He exclaimed. "Its disgusting!"

Gavin narrowed his eyebrows then left the room.

Nines, Hank, and Tina was watching the whole thing as the police lieutenant chuckled. "Got em."

"He gave in that easily." Tina snorted. "Gav got him pretty well."

Nines stayed silent as his likeness toward Detective Reed grew. He was still in denial about those feelings of his thinking it was maybe just infatuation because how the human was good in his field. But to think of it, Connor might be right.


"So how's the questioning?" The RK800 asked the RK900 as both were in the break room drinking coffee.

"It ended well, the suspect confessed." Nines replied.

"Yeah, and all we need to do is locate them." Gavin but in with the two.

"Nice work, Detective Reed." Connor said professionally.

"Yeah whatever, tin can. You should be the one questioned him, not me." The detective replied.

"My apologies, I was in the evidence room during the interrogation." The android answered.

"Blah, blah. Cmon Nines." Gavin scoffed and started to walk away.

"Sorry about him." The RK900 sighed.

"No worries, I got use to his asshole attitude over time." His RK brother smiled.

"Don't be.. I wanna smack him." Nines frowned.

"Its fine, really. I know you'll warm up his cold heart someday." Connor winked.

"Oh no no no.. Not now-"

"Nines! I swear if you're not going here I'll make you my phcking fridge!" The detective shouted across the precinct.

"I'm coming! Calm down!" Nines sighed loudly. "He's a f*cking headache.."

The smaller brunette mouthed a 'good luck' as the RK900 rolled his eyes and walked away.

"Look at that.." Hank approaches Connor as he chuckled. "Reed is such a child."

"Yeah." The android finished his coffee. "At least Nines' with him."

"Poor Nines, he has to deal with that guy everyday." The lieutenant made himself a cup of coffee then sat beside his android partner.

The RK800 just grinned looking elsewhere.

"You scare me when you do that face. You're like going to take over the world or something." The old man joked.

"Can I just enjoy the moment, Hank?"

"Gavin slipped while walking back to his desk." Tina suddenly was beside Hank which made the old police lieutenant startled.

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