Never over

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Cywren leant up in a bed. She looked down and saw that this wasn't her own. She was in a room with another two beds. Both empty. A woman walked into the room.

Woman: Ah Cywren! Thank God you're awake! I thought you'd be dead one of these days.

Cywren: What's happened? Where am I?

Woman: Don't panic! You're in Megaton. You've been in a coma for 3 months. Some of your friends are still about waiting. Although I have some bad news for you. There have been fatalities. Several. Timebomb was rushed to emergancy care in Big Town, Quasar was operated on and I'm afraid some others are dead. If you go to the hall there are bodies.

Cywren went into a state of panic. She left the room quickly and ran to the hall. When she ran in, she met an uncountable number of beds. All had a number tag hanging over the edge. A man walked over to her with a list.

Man: Ah Cywren. Good to see you alive. Numbers 1-12 are yours.

Cywren: Are any of them Timeomb? Is Sarah in there? Bryan? Who's in there?!

Man: Don't worry Cywren 10 of them are Rivet City guards, and the other two are called Dex and Paladin Jacob, from the Brotherhood.

Cywren: What happened to the Enclave?

Man: They're all dead, defeated. One General escaped but he'll be lucky to still be alive the state he left in.

Cywren left the hall and went through a small gate into the main area in Megaton. The whole city was in ruin. Some parts had been built back up. She walked right out the gate and directly to Big Town. She needed to see Timebomb. She found Copper waiting for her at the bridge.

Copper: I knew one day you would return!

Cywren: Copper I've no time to talk I need to see Timebomb and Quasar.

Copper: Too late! The Enclave have taken them away. I was able to escape with the information you need!

Cywren: Oh Shit! Where did they go? All there bases are done!

Copper: Timebomb told them about the alien ship. By now they're already up there!

Cywren: The Enclave can't have their technology! We've seen what that ship has on it!

Copper: The Brotherhood may have a plan but we may be too late.

Cywren: Then we go there. NOW. COME ON COPPER!

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