Megaton Battle!

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The General gave the order but paused. A whirring sound gradually built up. Enclave soldiers started pointing their guns about and into the air. Cywren looked up and smiled. Then, a blue Police Box smashed through the huge iron walls if Megaton. It was Vahl in the Tardis!!! Enclave started shooting at it.


As Cywren yelled this, Her army started to fire at the Enclave. Cywren lept behind a metal fence and started looking over and shooting. Quasar ran in and attacked the General. Fawkes took brute force and flung one Enclave at the other then pulled out his laser weapon and shot non stop at Enclave guards. The Tardis crushed a stand made near the Bomb and destroyed the Enclave ammo stand. Then it crashed into the food stand and released the towns people of Magaton. As the civilians ran though the hole Vahl made, Rivet city guards and scientists ran around the town to attack from all areas. Timebomb landed beside Cywren and shot a few times over the fence.

Amata stood on a high ledge shooting down on the Enclave. Butch ran into a soldier and stabbed him with his flip knife. Then as he pulled it out, 3 lasers hit him in the back and he fell down. Explosions shook the city and debris fell fron above. Cywren pulled Timebomb away as a huge iron gurter smashed into the ground where they had been. Sarah ran over to Cywren in ragged power armour. Clearly she had been attacked. Cywren said nothing but gave her a laser gun. As Cywren handed over the ammo, a missle struck right behind where she was and knocked her and Sarah over. They got up slowly and painfully. Sarah got the last of the ammo, loaded the gun then ran off, leaving Megaton to protect the innocent.

The Tardis flew overhead whirring and crashing into rooftops. Then an Enclave helicopter zoomed out of nowhere and crashed into it. The Tardis stuck to the bottom of it and flew indirectly and both the helicopter and the Tardis smashed into the ground just outside of Megaton. Cywren, raging with anger, shot several rounds in the Enclave soldiers direction. Timebomb was on the upper levels now with Amata, Copper was still using brute force, Guards, Brotherhood and scientists were strewn throughout, Bryan and Sarah were outside, Harkness was lost in battle and the robots were undoubtedly dead by now.

More explosions shook the ground. One ledge collapsed and landed on the bomb, luckily disarmed, and smoke blinded half the town. Then a metal chunk fell from above and hit Cywren in the back of her head. She flung her hands up to feel the pain and when she looked at them they were covered in blood. She looked forward to see Timebomb fall over the ledge. Everything went hazy. Cywren shot three more times before everything went black, her knees failed and she fell to the floor.

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