Gathering an Army (part 4)

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Cywren's army crossed the capitol wasteland. A group no raider dared to face. Several Enclave bots were destroyed by the Army while they were on their march to the Citadel. Raiders ran, Deathclaws died, Super Mutants hid, Cywren walked. As the army were walking towards the Citadel, one of the Rivet City guards tripped on a white, metal can like object lodged in the floor. The army paused and Cywren walked over to it. It was an alien capsule from the ship she had previously saved. She opened the side to see Sally on a screen.

Sally: Oh hello Cywren! Long time no see!

Cywren: Monitor Megaton.

Sally: Easy enough... Why?

Cywren: If I give the signal "Abduction" I want you to shoot a laser at the bomb in Mageton. It's disarmed but the power on that ship could set it off. Worst case scenario only. If I say "Radiator" just shoot the Enclave. You should have information on those in the ship computers.

Sally: Ok...

Cywren: Cya.

Cywren closed the hatch on the capsule and put a frag granade down beside it. She then ran back to the army with a shooing motion.

Cywren: RUN! RUN!

The army took a moments glance and ran as fast as they could. As a group. When the frag exploded the capsule ignited and went up in huge amounts of flames in a gigantic fiery explosion. Then thye continued until they reached the Citadel. Cywren was given allowance immediatley as was her army. She left most of the group in the courtyard taking only Timebomb and Quasar with her inside. She met up with Rothchild.

Rothchild: Ah Cywren! What a pleasent suprise! I think our General is waiting for you with plans on the-

Cywren: I'm not here for a mission. I'm here to give a mission. Megaton is under the Enclave's control. They have Sarah. By now she's either defenceless or dead. My army are waiting in the courtyard. We need some soldiersfrom the Brotherhood to help us fight.

Rothchild: Oh this is terrible news. Ten soldiers can be spared for you. We have heavy hands as of now I'm afraid.

Cywren: Any news on Daxius yet?

Rothchild: He took many years to construct. We didn't have spare parts unfortunatley so he wont be back anytime soom.

Cywren: We could have used him for this.

Rothchild: We could only have used him once more before he would run out of charge. A whole year it took to power him...

Cywren: Ok thanks for the soldiers. I'll be waiting outside the main gate. Send them ready for battle.

Rothchild nodded and went back to work. Cywren Walked back out and lead her Army outside and waited for the Brotherhood soldiers.

Timebomb: The trouble you get me into

Cywren: For the greater good.

Timebomb: Not for my greater good.

Cywren: How have I ever let you down.

Timebomb: Well there was the 3 years when you ditched us.

Cywren: Wh-

10 BoS Soldiers walked out of the Citadel in full armour with weapons in hand. And without replying to Timebomb, Cywren lead the army to their final destination. This whole thing had just been one struggle. That stuggle was about to serve its purpose. This had been the Struggle for Megaton. And now it was time to fight...

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