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Cywren: You're one of my anscestors?

Vahl: I believe so yes.

Cywren: How?

Vahl: Well you're something like my great great great great great grandaughter or something. Glad to see my fighting skills were passed down the generations.

Cywren: And the Tardis.

Vahl: Yes. I see you've been doing the Tardis up a bit. I don't like it.

Cywren: I thought You'd say that.

Timebomb: So why are you here?

Cywren: Someone in my head with Venturian must have done it.

Vahl: Wait. Vent is in your head to?

Cywren: Every since I was a baby.

Vahl: Sorry but you get that from me. He developed in my head when I had to save myself from a sinking ship a long long time ago. Don't worry though. My life got so much better when he was in my head. Like I said. Queen of Skyrim.

Cywren cleaned up the Tardis a bit before taking off with assistance from Vahl. She knew how to fly the Tardis and she was her ancestor. Surely she had no choice but to trust her. Right? Venturian was in her head to so this was perfect wasn't it? They're the same.

Cywren: Is he saying anything now?

She asked, leaning over the console.

Vahl: Who Venturian? No he left my head when I had reached my height.

Cywren: Wait so when I get as good as I'm going to he's just going to go?

Vahl: Well either on thatt occasion or your death. But that's not up to him.

Cywren: My.. death...

Cywren suddenly lost her vision and saw flashbacks. She saw the fight at Big Town except she was shot to death by a one of the sentry bots. Then she saw herself die repetedly on the alien spaceship. Then she regained her sight and stepped back away from the console. She shook her head and lept onto the console pulling a red lever to cancel the flight. Then she ran back out into the service station where she had just fought the Enclave. What the hell had she just seen!?

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