Meanwhile around the same time

Eddie sat in a armored S.H.I.E.L.D. vehicle on its way to the docks to take Eddie to the raft. As Eddie sat there he stared at the back door. He had lost everything. He lost his life and what remained of it, his power over New York, his reputation as an unstoppable monster that never faced justice. He even lost the symbiote permanently as it found a new host. He no longer had anything but his anger toward Spider-Man but now he was far to weak to face him. He had been ever since he lost the symbiote but it hadn't truly hit him until he woke up. He had hit rock bottom.....

The officers in the vehicle joked and poked fun at him but he wasn't listening. He didn't care about what they had to say. Not anymore. As the car drove along the road Eddie thought about everything he had done. All the power he used to have. Now that he really thought about it, he realized how much his anger and rage had driven him. Maybe if he hadn't let his anger get the best of him he could have changed things. But there wasn't much he could do at this point. He was caught, and S.H.I.E.L.D. was putting him behind bars on a man made island and then tossing the key into the east river. Eddie wasn't even sure that the great Mason Banks could get him out of this. At that thought an explosion was heard. Peoples screams could be heard from inside the truck. Another boom was heard at the same time the truck was hit by a massive force. The truck flipped on its side and crashed. Another explosion hit the truck. This time tearing through the truck, killing the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in the back with Eddie. Eddie however survived. His skin was black but didn't burn as the fire wasn't hot enough to really burn him. The explosion however had enough force to break Eddies bonds. Getting up Eddie climbed out of the truck from the hole in the trucks side. Standing on the truck Eddie looked around to see if he could find the culprit for the explosions. Looking around he heard a peculiar sound. Like the rocket engine on a military grade fighter jet. Turning to the sound Eddies spider sense went off. Not being able to find the source he was surprised when a wire cable caught him then lifted him off the ground. Screaming and kicking eddie tried to look and see what was pulling him but he couldn't turn to look as he was swung from side to side while facing backwards. However soon they were at the docks on the opposite side of the Bronx next to manhattan. The cable let Eddie go and he crashed through a ceiling window and landed in the same abandoned warehouse that mr. banks sent him to. The one where he joined the sinister seven. he looked at the entrance to the secret lair which began to open. Going in he found the computer in center like before. His area was still lit up so he could see everything. Walking to his area he stopped when he heard a buzz sound come from some speakers.

"Welcome back Wrath." Said a male voice.

"Mr. Banks?" Eddie asked confused.

"Yes. Wrath. It's me mr. banks." Mr. banks said.

"Who was that?! That thing that brought me back here?!" Eddie asked.

"Oh. Don't be so rude. He isn't a thing. Let's just call him..... My friend." Mr. banks said.

Time skip the next day

Peter and Felicia arrived at the scene of the destroyed transport truck. They didn't get any call until the next morning. By then peter figured Eddie would have been long gone. The truck was on its sides and the cargo hold had a giant hole. When peter looked Eddie was indeed, like he thought, gone. Peter looked at the wreckage.

"How could he have done this?" Felicia asked.

"He couldn't." Peter said. Felicia looked at him confused. "Look at the hole. The sides are pushed in. Meaning whatever made the hole was on the outside. Eddie was inside." Peter said.

"So he had help?" Felicia said.

"Yes. But who." Fury said as he walked up on the seen.

"I don't know. The burnt bodies and torn truck say explosion. That can be several villains of mine. molten man, scorcher, boomerang, maybe even silver sable with all the shit she has." Peter said. Just then flash showed up.

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