When you touch his horns~

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Karkat: You and Karkat are hanging out at his house having a rom-com movie night because you never have seen his favorite movie and you just had to see it because it was the best movie in the fucking world. Anyway, you were sitting on the couch waiting for him to get back from getting the popcorn and drinks when you had an amazing idea, you will sneak and behind and touch his horns. Anytime you ask he always avoids the question and you are getting tired of it so why not find out yourself. You quickly hide behind the couch and wait there after a few minutes he comes out and starts to put the drink on the table with the popcorn, you jump out and touch his horn, Karkat jumps up with a candy red blush on his cheek as he looked at you with surprise then it turns into an angry expression "What The fuck (Y/N)!! why did you do that!!" he yelled in his raspy voice and pulls away from your hand. You shrug "I just wanted to know what they were for, but it seems like it was nothing" you said then sits beside him on the couch "Well lets get this movie started" you said and takes some popcorn, he started the movie, what you didn't know was that he was uncomfortable throughout the entire movie.

Gamzee: You weren't so sure about this, Gamzee wanted some help getting down his clubs from the top of his closet, but for some reason, he couldn't reach them. It's also funny because he was tall as hell, but anyway he wanted you to get on his shoulders and get them for him. You didn't really want to because well you would be very high up and that really isn't safe on a high troll but you had to do what he wanted you too. You carefully get onto his shoulders as he was crouched down so you could get on, well when he went up, he did it really fast. so your first instinct is to grab onto his horns, which you did. Gamzee looked up at you quietly, a purple blush forming on his cheeks before he grins his stoner grin. "Aww sis, you okay up there?" he asked chuckling, "Yeah lets just hurry up and get this done" You said, he gets over to the closet, still holding onto his horns because you don't know what they do. You quickly grab the clubs the slides off of his shoulders and onto the floor handing him his clubs.

Sollux: You had come over to Sollux's place for gaming time, he had just gotten a new game and you wanted to play it so bad but you didn't have the money to get, so he offered that you could come over and play it with him. You knocked a few times but he didn't answer the door so you sighed and just took a spare key you took and opened the door. you walked around before you found him in his living room playing the game with headphones on. you roll your eyes as you walked over you decided to take off his headphones to get his attention, when you went to grab then you accidentally grabbed his 2 smaller horns, he spas out and dropped his controller, a mustard yellow blush on his face as he rips off his headphones and looked at you "When diid you get here (Y/N)!!" he lisped out "Just now, you need to pay more attention, no let me play" you said and sits down picking up the controller and started to play, he sighed and watched you for a few seconds.

Equius: You watched Equius pull back on the bow and shoot, a perfect bulls-eye, you sigh but noticed that his hair was down when sometimes it was up for this "Hey Equius Why is your hair down?" you asked looking at him as he puts down the bow "Well low-blood if you must know, i couldn't find my hair tie" he said looking at you through his cracked sunglasses. "Here i got one let me tie your hair" you always wanted to touch his hair because it looked very soft. "No" he quickly said, you whine and keep asking as he started to sweat with a blue blush on his face, finally he agreed and sits down in front of you. You smile and started to pull his hair back, when you did you had hit his broken horn and he jumped a little his sweat getting worse as well as his blush "this was a bad idea" he said getting up before you can even do anything. and walks away to get his arrow. You watch him leave with a confused face.

Tavros: You were helping Tavros with getting on a shirt, witch by the way a very difficult thing to do because of his horns "How the hell do you even get this on!?" you ask after getting it stuck on his horn again, Tavros chuckles "Do you want me to do it?" he asked, he was going to do it on his own anyway but you wanted to be nice and help him, so you did, well you tried. "Yeah just let me get off your horn" you said and takes it off the horn making your hand slide over it, Tavros gets the rust colored blush on his cheeks and he whimpers. You look at him confused "Are you okay Tavros?" you asked "Y-yeah, just don't touch my horns again please" he whimpers out, you nod and hands him his shirt before watching in amazement as he gets it on with no trouble.

Eridan: You were at the beach, go figure but you were here to meet Eridan. you hadn't seen him in a while because you were really busy this past week. You look around for the nerdy troll. You see him waiting by your usually spot so you run over there "Eridan there you are!" he turned to look at you as you tackle him to the sand with a smile, he was shocked as he hugs back then he yelped "Owwww!!" he said, he had hit his horn on the ground. you quickly get up as you covered your mouth as he holds his head "I'm sorry let me see!" you said kneeling by him and looking at his arm, you gently touch it and move your finger over it, a deep Violet blush forms on his cheeks and he moves away from you "Don't touch that!!" he said hiding into his sweater for the rest of the time you were at the beach. he would only answer sometimes.

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