You watch a movie together~

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You watch as Karkat puts a romcom in the DVD player, You had already set up all the Soda/Pop, Snacks, and popcorn. Tonight was Movie night with Karkat that you guys do every week, You both sit on the couch with a red and black blanket over you two. Karkat starts to play the movie, during the movie Karkat had put an arm around you and pulled you close to him. You snuggled up to him and ended up falling asleep in the middle of the movie, after the movie, Karkat looks at you and smiles, makes sure your comfortable then kisses your head and falls asleep holding you close.


Gamzee wanted to watch a movie, instead of walking around outside and talking about miracles. You had gone to the store to get the Faygo and snacks, of course, Gamzee made his slime pie. You weren't going to eat it so you got yourself your favorite snack, Anyway, Gamzee puts on IT since it had a clown in it, he wanted to see it. You weren't a fan of horror movies but He liked it so you would try and sit through this. After about halfway through the movie, you were clinging to him, he turned off the movie and hold you close until you fell asleep then he falls asleep holding you.


For once Sollux wanted to watch a movie and not play video games, so you agreed and got Saw, it was a good movie. Sollux had agreed you had drinks and snacks, you guys sit on the couch. Since you had seen it a lot, you were bored, you yawned and Sollux looks at you and chuckles, bringing you close he holds you and pets your hair to help you fall asleep, you fall asleep and he chuckles then holds you closer and falls asleep himself.


You guys were having a break from training, and you wanted to watch a movie at first Equius said no but then you begged him and he finally agreed So you two went back to your house and you made sure he didn't break anything, you put in a random movie and watched it, since you trying to get comfortable you lay you head on Equius chest, and he started to sweat but didn't say anything, you fell asleep, and He made sure not to hurt you, he put an arm around you gently and fell asleep, ith his shades slightly falling off hid face.


You and Tavros wanted to watch Peter Pan, so you helped him to the couch and started the movie. Tavros smiles and watches it with sparkles in his eyes, you smile and watch it. During the movie Tavros puts an arm around you, with chocolate color blush, you smile and snuggle into him. You watch the entire movie, you turn it off then falls asleep with Tavros on the couch cuddling.


For once you guys were not at the beach! You guys were at your house watching the little mermaid. During the whole movie Eridan was complaining they were getting everything wrong and what she was doing was stupid, you shut him up by stuffing popcorn in his mouth, he put and crossed his arms, you take one of his arms and put it on to you, you cuddle with him and he blushes his violet blush, you fall asleep and then he falls asleep.

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