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You went over to Karkat's place since you were bored and there was a storm coming, and you know Karkat hates storms. Well, it started to storm on your way over there, when you got there you were soaked from head to toe. You knocked on the door fast and hard, Karkat opened the door and took one look at you then rushed you inside. "WHAT WERE YOU DOING OUT IN THE RAIN YOU IDIOT!!?" he screamed at you with his normal loud tone. You roll your eyes "Karkat, I was on my over here and I got up in the rain." You muttered to him shaking from the cold. Karkat sighed then walked off, he came back with one of his sweaters and sweatpants there were small on him, but would fit you perfectly. He threw them at you then pointed to the bathroom "Go change, you'll catch a cold if you don't get out of those clothes." he said, not in a loud tone, for once, he also had a blush on his face. You smile "Awww you do care!" you said then walked to the bathroom to change when you got out, Karkat was on the couch with a blanket. You walked over and sat next to him, he put the blanket over the 2 of you. Karkat hugged you and held you close, his face full of red, You smile and fall asleep.


Gamzee was really high this time, more than usual. You were over to be with your favorite clown, Gamzee had grabbed you and was hugging you to him, you were a good 4 feet off of the ground. he was nuzzling your face and acting a little weird, but this Gamzee, so we don't question it. You didn't want to leave him, he looked so Helpless (I look into your eyes and the sky's the limit, I'm Helpless!~ Sorry, I'm Hamilton trash). He must have had a bit too much of the slime, any way you just let him hug you and nuzzle you, hey at least you get to pet his hair, it's so fluffy! But you do watch the horns and didn't touch them.


You and Sollux were playing video games, and you noticed that his character was being slow then suddenly stopped. you felt something in your lap, you look down and Sollux was asleep and his head was on your lap. You laugh quietly, then you take off his glasses and pets his hair, minding the horns.


You were really happy! Equius was actually let you hug him, he loved his personal space and also didn't want to hurt you. You knew he wasn't going to hug you back, but that was part of the deal you made, you get to hug him but he can't hug back since he's so strong. Anyway, you get to his house and see him in the backyard using his bow and arrow, You smirk and jump on his back hugging him. Equius was startled but looked back at you and calm down, he was sweaty, but you didn't care. He just left you be and went back to what he was doing, you got to stay there for the rest of the time.


Okay, anything Tavros does with you is fluff and cute, he always hugs and cuddles you, so it's hard to write fluff for him when he's always giving fluffy moments. DON'T BE MAD AT ME FANGIRLS OR BOYS.


You and Eriden were at the beach and he was forcing you to cuddle with him while watching the sunset. Well, he didn't have to force you, you would have cuddled with him no matter what. He even had a violet blush on his face, which made him even more adorable! Any way you 2 stayed there way after the sunset just cuddling until both of you fell asleep.

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