Accidental First Kiss~

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Karkat: You were at Karkat's hive laying on the couch listing to him rant on about something, you lost what it was about a while ago. You've never noticed the patterns in the ceiling before, but you lost your train of thought when Karkat fell on you and had accidentally kissed you. You both stare at each other with wide eyes before he jumps off with a candy red blush, well your face was red too, He looks at you then runs upstairs and you can hear a door slam, probably his room, You stay on the couch looking at the ceiling.

Gamzee: You were in the kitchen of Gamzee's hive watching him make a slime pie, it was your first time watching him make one. He also wanted you to try one but you said no since other trolls told you not to. Gamzee was watching the pie from the oven window waiting, after the timer went off he opened it up and put it on the table letting it cool off "Come on sis, please try it" he said with a pout, how could you say no to the Capricorn's pout. "Fine gam-gam I'll try alittle" you said sighing, Gamzee smiles and gave you just alittle to try, you take it and it actually wasn't that bad, after a few minutes though the affects started to come in, you looked high out of your mind and Gamzee was worried about you. You pulled him down and kissed him, he pulled away and picked you up and put you on the couch as you passed out.

Sollux: You were making him some honey cookies, since he was codeing for a week straight, he was in the shower right now while you made the food. You took out the cookies and placed them on the table waiting for him to come down.after a few minutes Sollux came down looking tried, and smelling nice, he walked over and grabbed a cookie he took a bite of it and leaned on the counter, you took on to and started to talk to him, he went to walk towards he but he was so tried that he almost fell on the ground if it weren't for you. When your lips met he pulled back fast and kept muttering sorry then ran up the stairs and to his room. You just stared at where he was with confusion.

Equius: You and Equius were at the shooting range, well only it was for you to watch him shoot and look at his muscles (if you wouldn't do that then it's the way he shoots the bow and arrow). After awhile it was starting to get dark, you began to walk over to him, since it was kinda dark you didn't see the bag of arrows on the ground and tripped over them, Equius had just turned around then you fell onto him, your lips had met and you stared wide eye at him, you jumped up off of him "Sorry Equius I didn't mean to i tripped I swear!!" You said as he got up "Its fine lowblood,l saw you trips he said and gathered up the bag, you two didn't really talk that much after but then again Equius barley talks.

Tavros: You were walking to Tavros's hive so you guys can play Pokemon together, you were very happy that he said yes to play with you. As you got there you could here Vriska inside and you growlex, you and Vriska will never get along, after how she treats Tavy you will like her. You walk in and see her slap Tavros, you run over and punch her screaming at her to get out. She does after muttering 'pathetic', you look at him as rust colored tears run down his face. "Aww mg poor baby, are you okay?" You ask and hugged him, then went to his his bursing cheek, well he turned his head at the last second and you two kisser, you pulled away and stared at him then coughed "umm wanna play Pokemon now?" You asked nervsouly "s-sure" he said with a rust blush. You two went to his room and played.

Eridan: You were at the beach with Eridan, you two were laughing at something a random guy did. Then you two started to play tag, while running you tripped on a shell, Eridan didn't see it either and fell on top of you, your lips meet and he jumps back, you two really didn't say anything about for the rest of the day but you didn't forget about it either.

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