"i don't want. Let's go Paul" i said. ignoring Harry. 

I was about to shut the car door but Harry stopped it.

"I'll drop you off in your apartment, Paul it's ok i'll take her" He said

"what? No!" i protested

" Paul is kinda tired. Let him rest" he said. Good excuse huh? >_<

"argh! FINE !" i gave up. 

i get out of the car because Paul will be taking it home. it means that we're gonna use Harry's car. We made our way to his garage and there i saw his luxurious cars; the Range Rover and the Audi.

"What do you want to take, Miss?" he asked me. seriously? His cheekiness won't work at this time. stop it Harry. 

"whatever you choose. i don't care, i just wanna go home" i said as i crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"I'm just gonna get the keys inside" he said and walked back door of their apartment.

but before he open the door. he stopped and turn to me. "Aren't you gonna say Goodbye to the other lads?" he asked.

"oh..uhhhh..yeah ok" i remember, it'll be really rude if i didn't even say goodbye to them. I made my way inside and i saw all the lads seating in the their couch, their eyes we're teary. they were sobbing. omg

"guys, what's happening? why are you all crying?" i asked, full of worries.

"Jack died" Liam mumbles as he covered his face with his hands

"what? who's Jack?" i said

"They both fit in that wood. Rose was selfish. oh my god" Louis said then he buried his head with a pillow.

"Rose? Wood? Jack? What the hell are you guys talking about?" i asked. then i noticed that their attention are on the TV. i looked at the TV. . . . .

"seriously guys? TITANIC ?!!" they were watching Titanic for the hundredth time! 

"shhh this is where the old Rose will throw the necklace in the sea" Zayn said.

"uhhh. Well i just get in here to say Goodbye coz i'm gonna go home now" i informed and turn around to make my way to the door leading to the garage .

Liam immediately pressed pause in the remote control of the TV.

"what? aren't you staying here?" Niall asked.

"obviously not. i wanna go home" i answered.

"you don't wanna hang out with us, don't you?" Louis said.

"it's not the reason, i'm not in the mood coz. . . . " igot trailed off, thinking i shouldn't tell the boys the real reason. no big deal.

isn't it?

then if it's no big deal

why the hell did it pissed me off?

whatever. i just wanna go home.

"i don't wanna talk about it. i'll see you guys tomorrow" i finished and waved goodbye. i heard the boys said goodbye and the movie played again. then i shut the door behind. Harry is already waiting beside his Range Rover car. i like this car better than the Audi. i think the audi is a bit fancy.

i get in the car. and Harry started the engine and we drove off.

first 3 minutes of the trip to my house, i was just looking out the window in the passenger seat.

he turned on the radio to break the silence.

and 'She's the One' by Robbie Williams played.

"I was her she was me 

Last First Kiss ( A Harry Styles/1D Fanfiction )Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum