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T U E S D A Y   ;   6 : 1 2   p . m .

"Would you quit following me, you creep?"

"Hm~ And you haven't changed as much too~"

Ever since I left that goddamn office, the creepy-ass clown continued to trail me back home in hopes of making a single reaction out of me. Yes, I'm sounding mean, but the truth hurts, doesn't it? Doesn't seem to hurt him though...unfortunately.

Hisoka Morrow; dark, mysterious, and, again, creepy. He's one of the best in solving situations like these and he always takes those extremely dangerous and difficult ones. Partnering up with someone with skills and intellectuality like that is something an amateur sleuth would want. But coming from me,

it's best to not choose him as your partner.

Unless getting creeped out to the point where you can't sleep without the lights on was something you'd like then no thanks.

"I thought you'd be away for 6 months since you took a variety of jobs in that one place. You came back just 2 and a half month earlier!" I growled, glaring at him from over my shoulder and shit, he was staring at my back even more creepily than he usually would.

"Aw, don't be so hostile."

"I wouldn't be, but unfortunately, I'm talking to you."

"Ouch," he feigned hurt, dragging the 'o' for his pretend pain. "You've not once lost that harshness of yours."

Don't tell me he's turning into a masochist. Quietly gulping, I discerningly glanced at him in silence, noting how unusually chirpy he looked. Compared to others, it left me wondering and uneasy by his behavior. And with that smile sketched on his face, I was tempted to run as far away from him as possible.

"Why are you still following me anyways?" I accused acerbically.

"I live in the same apartment as you. Have you forgotten, (Name)?" A shiver went down my spine...

Right... he lived in the same condo as I do. It's been so long since he's been here, but I still wanted that feeling of him gone to last longer. It was a vacation without him and his creepy-self there. Guess I enjoyed his disappearance that I just...forgot he lived on the upper floors above mine.

We both got through the entrance and already, the few close people to us froze from this guy's darn presence. I took the chance of him going to the counter by sneaking right to the elevator, grunting in displeasure at the people also waiting for the doors to open. It's gonna be crowded...great.

Right as I thought of that, I watched everyone of them tensing as the 'magician' took his place a few meters from my side. What a nice way to quickly avoid him...

"By the way, it'll be enjoyable to work with you on your case," he reminded me. And by work, you mean, how to fuck with my brain and sanity, I sarcastically mused to myself, guessing the true meaning behind his words.

"I can do fine with the task on my own, thank you." Sarcastically speaking, my eyes followed how he only entered the small elevator shaft and few of the people who wanted to go inside evaded him and stayed out. Did I forget that everyone here is either scared, frustrated, or tolerable around him? Certainly I didn't just from going all the way back here with him.

"Don't you want to take the elevator? It's much faster." He smirked callously, not bothered by his surroundings.

I controlled myself from visibly showing my grimace and shook my head. "I better not." His chuckles haunted my brain as I quickly sprinted up the stairway. Whilst hoping to not see him, today was generally a pain.

Despite my legs begging to stop when I got to my floor, I pushed myself to make it back to my room, dragging my body withered of energy. I found my room, got inside and when I shut the door behind me, I was met with puff of white hair in my path of vision.

I heaved, sitting across from him on the couch, my chin resting on my fists that acted as support. "So, what'd you do this morning when I was in school?" I queried, deciding not to include the fact that he might've been there.

"Nothin' that concerns you," was his typical response like every other one he gave.

I'm getting sick of his blank answers at this point. I shouldn't be playing with this prideful and stubborn game. I should start milking answer from him — maybe his memories finally returned to him during our little meet ups.

"Oh my~ What do we have here?" The hair on my neck stood on point when that chilling voice reached my ears.

Abruptly, he jumped up to his feet and I understood the reason why. Because I could feel it too. That overwhelmingly powerful, ominous atmosphere that drifted in the air of the room. I stood up too, now hearing the black feline curling into the corner, hissing.

And when the I found my door opened, I was confirmed with my answer. Hisoka was here.

The hell?! "What are you fucking doing here?" I glowered at this magician, pointing straight to my door that leads back out to the hallway. "Get out! This is just invading privacy!"

"Who the hell's he?" My eyes shifted over to the alarmed snow-haired teen when he asked but flew back to this... man. God, and here I thought I was safe from being around him.

He casually inspected my room as if he hadn't barged in in the first place. It's unnerving to know that trying to get this man out is like asking for dragons to exist.

Hisoka hummed with vague amusement, standing straight with a hand on his chin, and from what I'm guessing, Killua's more crept out than I am at this point - except, he looked more intimidated than crept out. Heck, Kuro looked ready to hightail out of the living room, tail struck up and shuddering with a few whimpers escaping.

"I knew you hated ghost, but I'd never expected that you'd actually live with one." His comment sent electricity shuddering through the white specter, frozen when the pinkette snapped his head directly at his direction.

Ah shit, I forgot this creep can feel a ghost's presence.

But something about the silverette's aura wavered a bit. I didn't pay any mind to it first since I need to deal with this troublesome man. "So what if a ghost is living with me?" I scorned, crossing my arms and putting up a brave front. "It's none of your business, Hisoka."

"And here I thought you wanted to purge all of them. Like a certain Kurta, you were willing to get your vengeance." At this point, I could already tell he was provoking me. I could only count on Biscuit's words from earlier as a reminder to stay calm and collected.

"Not anymore." I held a stoic expression. "Courtesy to the boss for giving me another way to not see them after I stopped running around exorcising. I just need to solve the Mitsubachi and Zoldyck case and then I could get enough Jenny to pay for an operation on my eyes."

Okay, that was kind of a half-ass lie. I would probably need to do more cases in order to pay a hell of that amount.

"Hm... That reminds me," he spoke in such a slow, mocked dramatic tone, brushing off what I just said. "I need to meet a certain 'friend' tomorrow." His extremely pale face looked over to me and flashed me a close-eyed grin. "I'll be heading back to my room now."

"Yeah... you definitely should." I deadpanned.

"Tell your ghost friend that I said my farewells, would you?" Is he mocking me? He sounded like he was mocking Killua than me if I thought about it.

Either way, he left the room, that disturbing vibe never once leaving the room with him. It would've felt amazing to know he's gone,

if he didn't leave that unfaltering creepy waves here.

Spectral Case 【Ghost! Killua Zoldyck】Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora