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S U N D A Y ; 4 : 3 0 p . m .

"You'll be here before I know it, huh?" Kurapika had his arms crossed with a small smile gracing his face, leaving me to stare at his amused face, unamused. I puffed my cheeks out and glared at him with my face burning a beet red from the embarrassment. The fact that he's chuckling at me doesn't help as much.

"Shut up," I playfully responded back, biting back a sarcastic remark. Why don't you try getting all the way here without the need of a taxi driver and some douchebag that decided it'd be fun to harass you for being a woman? Oh wait, you can't. So it took me some time to teach him a lesson. Irking, I walked around him and unlocked the door, not before looking over my shoulder.

The woman I had spoken too was jumpy the whole time I was here. Maybe even before I came here. I only sent her a soft smile, "don't worry miss. I can guarantee you that we will avenge your late friend." Her hands that held each other tightly weakened before falling to her side as she nodded.

"Please do," she pleaded with begging green orbs.

I didn't give any other reply and walked out of the house, leaving Kurapika to close the door once he stepped out himself. School's gonna start tomorrow and what's next would be a shit ton of homework. Exams are coming in two months, but I'm not willing to fall back on my studies because of some ghost case.

The conversation with her was pretty hectic and long. I arrived there around 3 'o clock late, which I absolutely blame that one guy who thought that raping girls could be a hobby to get away with and needed to be taught a lesson.

Maybe offering him up to that lady that wants to kill me and Killua would be a good punishment. Yeah, that'd be alright. I shook my head at how agitating today had slowly turned into. Nah, I'm not some sadistic overlord. I wouldn't do that... I think. Straying away from the topic, I tilted my head to the blonde-haired college student.

"It's a coincidence on how we'd meet each other today with connecting cases," I chirped up.

He just gave a short nod. "Yes, it is. You haven't called or texted me and Leorio for some days and we thought that you just needed some space to do the case," calmly explained the male.

Side-glancing over to him, "I guess. It was an absolute pain in the ass though." Sighing, I scratched the side of my head. "I would rather let you guys disturb me if I'm being honest."

He only had a smile of his own plastered on his face.

"You seem more stress-"

"No sh-"

"-but then again, you seem more expressive with yourself than before." The comment took her off guard. Giving him a look, I titled my head over to him. "I can't tell whether you're trying to compliment me or mock me," she flatly stated when the both of them stopped, the pedestrian lane blocked by the many cars that were passing by.

He just continued speaking, "I'm not. It's just a surprising change." He stared down to the young sophomore, scarlet eyes hidden behind his gray contact lenses locked with my own (Eye Color) eyes. "A good change."

It took me time to process what he told me before my eyes widened. Since when was he this smooth?!

Staring into his eyes with heat creeping up my cheeks, my eyes quickly glanced over to the traffic lights that turned red, and I turned away from. "You don't have to show off about how much of a charmer you are," I coughed, my her eyes straight ahead as we walked down the lane, wanting to cool down the blush on my face.

Kurapika just chuckled. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure you don't," rolling my eyes, I was able to look at him again. "So... I heard about the work you chose. How have you been doing with it?"

I tried leaning the conversation to the situation of his. The one involving the slaughter of his entire family. He was out at the time of the reunion doing a different job before the one he has now and was supposed to return late when a bunch of murderers committed genocide, leaving him to be the last of his family kind. I felt sorry for the dude.

His face darkened, hands balled into fists while I silently regret bringing the topic up. He's loosing his control of his emotions a lot easier now than before. Maybe he found something. I took a deep breath and thought of changing the topic, but he already started talking.

"None," he mumbled so lowly. "They were able to keep things hidden, leaving no clues left behind. Just like what Class A bounties should do. But I'm going to make sure and find out about them, and when I do, I'll get the vengeance I'll have."

Shit, this conversation just went downhill and Kurapika just became pissed in the end, I grimly thought over, biting my lower lip lightly. This is why I don't converse in the first place and live with a stray cat.

"I'm sure you'll get your revenge," I tried giving some words of support, hoping to not alert him of how tense and awkward our conversation became. Eventually he calmed down and walked me back to my apartment, even when I told him that I can go on my own.

Tired from the long walk and problem, I dragged myself out of the elevator and entered my room, locking the door back shut.

At least there was something I learned to make this case a bit easier.

I smiled at the progress made. And with homework already over, I guess all I need to do is get washed up, cook myself dinner, and hit the hay. Sleep is the best gift god has ever made for us and I appreciate it.

Though, as soon as I was in full view of the living room, I only let out a shock yelp when I noticed the white-haired ghost sitting on my couch. He sat there so casually, it was like our whole fight yesterday wasn't even a thing.

He lazily looked over his shoulder, boredom painted all over his face but his eyes seemed to have glistened a little. "Finally, you're back," he nonchalantly spoke, yawning. "I thought I had to continue waiting for you since nine in the morning."

I raised an eyebrow, not wanting to bring up the whole argument all over again. I ended the day with an awkward conversation so I'm not ending this chat with a bad end. Especially when tomorrow's the day I'll be piled with even more work. "You could've just left when you knew I wasn't here."

"Baka," he said like I didn't even use common sense. "What else could I do? Being a ghost has lots of limitation than what you think and pulling pranks on unlucky couples all day gets boring after the third one. They're boring with just screaming, running away, or blaming other people around."

"Besides," he continued afterwards, standing up and phasing through the couch and walked to get to the kitchen. "I can't leave you to relax the whole day when you might just ditch my case like some coward and leave me to be bored the rest of my life." He didn't even turn his head to me as he said that.

Sighing heavily, I walked into my room and threw my bag onto my bed. A coward? As if I was the one who disappeared yesterday! And he's in a coma, not failing to reach the afterlife. Then again, he might wanna know the the guy who made him this way and, possibly, when he wakes up he'll beat him.

I never thought much on the words he said to me, but when I did, I only snapped my head back to the door that exited back to the living room.

He left me to relax... and waited the whole day for me?

Spectral Case 【Ghost! Killua Zoldyck】Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat