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S U N D A Y ;   1 1 : 2 1   a . m .

"He actually didn't return," I mumbled with sarcasm coating the surprise in my voice. But really, he never returned once ever since the petty argument this afternoon. I didn't bother to try finding him since there was something more important at the moment, and that's finding that ghost that killed Ponzu.

I sipped on the cup of coffee as I skimmed through the net for more clues. Small steam was still leaving from the hot beverage I ordered. Today, there were less people in the cafe today — most probably the regulars felt unsafe from the horrible aura emitted from the crazy lady yesterday — so I had more of a free seat.

I'm mostly thankful that she's not here today. Maybe she has a specific time to be around the spot.

The place I was sitting near was mostly isolated so my research was more hidden here than in places I couldn't do the my job. It was top secret after all and who knew what kind of creep would be lurking about reading what I'm searching.

Maybe I can thank Killua for that fatal argument. I rolled my eyes just thinking of telling him 'thank you' for something that could kill me. He hadn't returned last night nor this morning.

Sighing, I returned back to the laptop and clicked away on the keyboard before hitting enter. The search bar began loading and the deeper I was searching, the closer I was getting to solving this gosh darn case. And then I could return to my classes and his case again. I'd admit, I felt giddy that the case would get off my shoulder.

Looking over to the seat next to me, my school bag sat there, sulking. I managed to finish the homework I've been meaning to finish yesterday and the day before.

What a nice Sunday to waste on homework, right?

Oh wow. I think I'm turning crazy from everything that's happening, sarcastically chuckling to myself. Nah, this was already too normal for me to say something like that. I picked the cup by the handle and carefully sipped on the drink, not wanting to burn my lips entirely, before placing it down again on the saucer.

I kinda forgot that the WiFi here is better than the one at the apartment. My eyes glazed over the texts. So, there were familiar cases that resemble to Ponzu's then. I scratched the side of my head when an idea struck me good. "Why didn't Bisky tell me about this? This could've helped me," I mumbled under my breath.

I clicked on one of the public cases and scrolled down the page, eyes reading the information that began sinking into the back of my mind.

A husband had acted the same way I was told Ponzu had been acting. He became hostile and irrational, and the information states that he almost choked his wife to death if it weren't for the children that were watching the whole scene — wow, painful to the kids. This had gone on for about a month until they decided to quarantine him for safety in the mental asylum. Before they could try and find the cure for him, he was found dead, skull cracked from bashing his head against the wall, I immediately cringed, not caring if it was obvious on my face.

"I guess this ghost doesn't want anyone finding out about it at all." I didn't dare scroll down to see the picture of the incident. At least, not yet. I don't wanna loose my appetite for a drink I had to pay for, and not to mention that it's good too. Sigh...

I blew the steam off from the last remains of the hot drink and swallowed it whole, the temperature burning the walls of my throat. Fortunately, I was able to handle the scorching feeling that lingered in my esophagus until I don't feel like burning anymore. I finally scrolled down to check the picture out and yes, I could feel my stomach churning already.

Spectral Case 【Ghost! Killua Zoldyck】Where stories live. Discover now