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W E D N E S D A Y ;   8 : 4 1   p . m .

I harshly shrugged the hand off my shoulder and stood up, my hind knees hit against the small wooden table as he stared up at me from the couch. He only chuckled at me. "Man, it's almost like you've seen a ghost," he joked dryly.

I could hear Kuro hissing slightly, tail up and fur sticking out sharply. But suddenly, just from a single stare into this teen's eyes made him quiet, keeping his distance unlike me. I stood frozen, surprise I should correct.

He tilted his head at me before looking down at my laptop, arms now balancing on his thighs as he leaned closer. "Stalking my family for information huh?" He chuckled before glancing back up at me. "Wonder why."

This ghost, Killua Zoldyck, didn't have the ominous or dark aura around him.

I shook off the shock and stared at him cautiously, looking at the distance between him and my gadget. "What's to say that I am?" I said — more like asked — back and received a very nonchalant smile. "Well, you can't. They have a tight security protecting them that even a professional hacker can't break through the codes."

"Why tell me about this?" I rose a brow.

He only shrugged. "Because it was pretty pointless and obvious. They aren't the Zoldyck family for a reason."

He isn't wrong... Sighing, I slowly sat back down on the floor, relaxing slightly with a bit of disappointment. "I guess you have a point," I sighed. It was his turn to raise a brow.

"You're acting way too calm for seeing a ghost," Killua pointed out, curious. "I just realized that I shocked you, but not frightened you. Hell, you didn't even try screaming."

He frowned slightly. "It would've been funny..."

How reassuring. I rolled my eyes before facing my laptop away from him, the screen torn from his sapphire orbs. "Might've been good then..." I trailed off, watching him pout as he was staring at nothing but the table.

Again, I rolled my eyes and exited out from all the websites that were pointless right now. I looked around the room for the ebony cat and seeing him huddled a bit farther from us was something amusing. Suddenly, my view was blocked by the silverette.

"You're really a killjoy, huh?" He sighed disappointedly, almost like a parent seeing the low grades of their child. "And here I thought I could do something aside from watching others. Talking to someone who can see me is better I guess." He shrugged his shoulders.

I shook my head at his personality. This was the kid who entered school the same school with me? Deadpanned, I stood up from my place and looked out the slide door, seeing how dark it has already gotten. I've been working that long, huh? I glanced back over to where the boy was and only stared bewildered when I found him playing... on my laptop.

I wanted to stop him, but the bright look in his eyes looked like they were brought to life. Almost like he wasn't even in a coma at all. My eyes softened before remembering, this is a teenage ghost, not some child...

But... "I can't believe you still remember your parents," I commented, walking over and sat next to him. Seeing as he was searching for games on my empty laptop filled with only files. "I was sure all ghosts would've forgotten their families."

"Guess I'm special," he spoke before having a slightly smug face. My eyes widened at the screen.

I snatched the laptop away from him, sending him a glare as he was about to check some personal files. The look he had was sly, a smirk tugging at his lips. "Oh~ What 'cha got there?"

"Something you don't need to see."

"Geez, don't get all protective over it. I was just kidding," he waved his hand at me before repeating, "you really are a killjoy. Lighten up a little, would ya?" He smiled childishly, something I couldn't help but wonder why.

I was about to speak but he beat me to it. "Actually, how can you see and talk to me?" He sounded serious now. His personality minutes of go gone and replaced with a mature one.

I only shrugged. "I just can."

When I stared back up to him, I was frozen in place by those eyes of his. Mesmerizing was all I could think. Though, the doubt on his face was evident.

"I need to ask. What do you mean by 'I'm the one'?" I questioned, only to receive a poked-out tongue.

"And why should I tell you?" The smug face he had resembled almost like a cat? He snickered, "unless you answer my question first, I won't answer."

I shook off the offer and took the laptop with me back to my room. I glimpsed over my shoulder to look at him. "Aren't you going to leave?" I asked while he just laid himself on the couch, relaxed.

"Nah. Think I'll stay here from now on. Better than wondering around with nothing to do," he spoke nonchalantly as he settled comfortably. Makes me curious how he feels about being a ghost. He just seemed so... calm about it.

I didn't say anything else and shut the door, preparing myself for a good night's rest.


T H U R S D A Y ;   7 : 0 0   a . m .

Same routine done and I left for school early this time. He was no longer there when I woke up so that's a nice start at least. Maybe he actually left that night after I got into my room.

I didn't think much of it anymore and entered through the gates. I need to tell someone this. Just one person is enough. But who would even believe nonsense like this. I wouldn't either if I were them. My eyes shifted around until a certain blonde came into view.

Maybe he can hear me out. "Kurapika!" He snapped his head over to me as I skipped over to him.

"(Name)? Do you have a problem?" He stopped walking, allowing me to catch to him before we walked together inside of the school. It's less crowded lately since not everyone's here yet.

I followed him to his locker as I held my bag close to me. "Look..." I was hesitant. This was his friend so I'm not sure what'd the impact would be if he heard this.

"Go on..." He pressed. I took a small breath and rejected the thought I was gonna say.

"It's nothing. I thought I forgot something..." I lied smoothly, sighing at the end.

Skeptical, he asked me if I was sure and all I did was nod. I was just glad he didn't question any further and reluctantly believed me.

If only I could tell him, but I wouldn't want him to become like me.

Spectral Case 【Ghost! Killua Zoldyck】Where stories live. Discover now