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T H U R S D A Y ; 1 2 : 1 8 p . m .

Lunch time came by without a s'itch. Guilt still bit me hard when I lied to Kurapika about the truth of his former friend. But this problem is my own. Getting him involved would bring more trouble to him than he already needed.

Besides, I wouldn't know how much of a blow it would leave on him if I told him that I could see the silverette.

I was sitting alone, next to the cherry blossom tree as I watched some students having fun, playing either volleyball or soccer on their respective court. Next to me is my bad and an empty container.

I was out of ideas while I stared. Tapping my pencil against the folder, the bond paper now sketched over of the school scenery. It's a bit boring right now and Kurapika and Leorio have different breaks from me. Sighing, I leaned back against the trunk.

Strangely, a cold presence unveiled behind me, letting a shiver crawl through my skin.

"Found ya~"

Sounded a voice behind me which brought me to shock. I jumped from my place, startled before hearing laughter burst. Except the voice was completely familiar.

I glanced behind me and found the white-haired teen laughing to himself. "Aw man! You're fun to mess with!" He chimed happily, almost enthralled by my surprised reaction.

I glared at him before positioning myself back to how I was sitting. "Can you not follow me?" I rolled my eyes as I now felt him next to me, that mischievous smile sketched on his face. "Who says I'm following you?" He answered back. "For all you know, I've come here all the time."

I was about to make another comeback before thinking about it. He's a ghost now, so he could come here freely. Whether I'm in class or not. Shutting my mouth, I stared back down at the paper.

I drowned out his whining while pushing his picture — that was almost poking out — from the folder it was hidden in.

"Hey," snatching the folder from my lap, much to my dismay, "don't ignore me," he pouted like some kid. "I know I'm right but you can't just do that." A narcissistic child.

I reached for the files but he only raised it further above his head. "Give that back," I demanded, but he only blew a raspberry at me. "After I read it." No he won't.

It was horrible knowing that he's taller than me, but it's more awful knowing that he's just taller than me by a few inches or so. How many taunts his eyes threw at me as he opened the folder, papers held in place by the fastener inside while the bond paper was held by his hands with the folder.

Scanning each info, his curiosity was slowly cured while I'm still fuming in silence. My arms fell to my side once I knew I had no choice but to wait.

It was then his eyes went blank for a second and tossed the files lightly at me. A frown on his face. "I was expecting something better than just my profile..." he admitted, slouching. "Besides, the only person I could see as my family there is my sister," he yawned, stretching while I rose a brow.

"Family problems?" I inquired.

"Yeah, something like that."

Some small inconsiderate clues... My lips twitched, forcing down the grateful smile that was about to show. Better than nothing. At least this might help when needed. Now I decided to go to the big questions. "So you're aware of what happened to you? How you're in a coma?"

He seemed to be thinking of a response and opened his mouth, except the only thing I heard was the bell when he was about to answer. Just my luck. "Guess you won't be getting your answers. Not that I was gonna say," he 'innocently' smiled before disappearing.

Eyebrows twitching from annoyance, I packed up my things, hiding the folder back, and noticed one thing missing.

"Where's the bond paper?" I muttered in a hush tone, double-checking to make sure I didn't just sit on it or it flew off to another direction. Even checking the folder and bag. No avail.

"Could he have taken it?" I furrowed my brows. "Can he even do that without causing havoc? It could look like it's floating or something since he's a ghost, won't it?" An aching sensation burned in my mind.

Just thinking about it is starting to hurt. I should ask him that when I see him.

I quickly took my lunch container and bag and hurriedly ran back inside of the building.


T H U R S D A Y ; 3 : 5 0 p . m .

"(Name)!" One of my classmates called to me, making me freeze as I'm placing my book inside my bag. Peering over my shoulder, "yeah? What's wrong?" He sheepishly looked away, almost afraid to say it.

What surprised me was when he bowed, nervous. "I-I'm sorry to ask you this, b-but...! C-Can you clean by yourself today?! I'm really sorry for m-making such a s-sudden change of-" I stopped his stammering with a small sigh, "just stop tumbling over your words. I'll do it."

"A... Are you sure?" He stuttered guiltily, almost looking a bit ashamed before I shook my head. "Yeah, yeah. I'll take care of this."

He continued to bow, thanking me again and again before apologizing once more, thus leaving me alone in the classroom. Thankfully, Biscuit said that I don't need to go back at the moment with the current case on my hand. Then I remembered about Kurapika and Leorio.

"Crap, they might wait for me." I took my phone out of my bag, knowing well that the teachers don't pass here at this time.

To Kurapika
From (Name)

Don't wait 4 me anymore. I might stay a bit longer than usual.

Sent at 3:52 p.m.

Putting my phone into my pocket, instead of finding just the broom and dustpan. I found Killua porched on the teacher's desk, in his hand the very same bond paper I was looking for earlier.

"What're doing here?" I narrowed my eyes at him, suspicious while he shrugged.

"I thought you wanted to know the answer to your question?" He threw a question back at me.

I wanted to snap at him, but I only pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed out from it. There's no point in bickering. Think clearly. Don't let him get the best of you, were the thoughts running through my head as I kept my cool.

"Didn't you say that you wouldn't answer them anyways?" My irritation glazed my harmless retort when I brought my head up to stare at him. "Yeah, but I changed my mind." I was flabbergasted.


"You heard me." He brought a finger up though. The snow-haired male brought his knee close to chest while the other dangled at the edge.

"But in return, you let me stay at your place."

Spectral Case 【Ghost! Killua Zoldyck】Where stories live. Discover now