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T U E S D A Y ;   7 : 1 1 a . m .

Crap! I'm running in late! Groaning, I hastily slid through the crowd by going pass each open spaces they left for me to just run through. It was irritating, very. Those times where you're in a hurry and then there's this annoying crowd that's there of all times? Yeah, I'm in those horrible situations at the moment.

My sights were met with the large building I was rushing to and I wanted to thank the lords that I wasn't late. If only they could fix me or my eyes...

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I continued walking into the school premises, passing the gate and Killua on the way. Thinking back to it, maybe I shouldn't have snapped at him so suddenly. It wasn't like he was trying to provoke me on- wait...

Killua?! I looked over my shoulder in disbelief for the unmistakable locks of white and those impossibly adoring blue spheres -I need to stop thinking about this, honestly- but found nothing. Was my mind just playing with me because of that small guilt from last night?

Shrugging it off, I was about to continue walking until I gasped in surprise, seeing bright blue hair obscuring my view. "Gah!" I stumbled back, taking in the female's sudden appearance. "The heck?" This, I did not expect at all.

Hold on, I've seen her before, I blinked as she straightened her posture.

Sketched on her face is a warming smile. "Hello, (Name)!" She chirped up. "My name is Neon Nostrade! I'm an upperclassman of yours if you still don't know," the light-haired girl spoke in a very proud tone.

She spoke like I was supposed to recognize her or something. Though, she's right, but...

Of course I wouldn't goddamn know her. I was like a hermit when I came here until Kurapika and Leorio approached me. And even if people did speak about her half of the time or her face would be posted on the walls running for student council president, it's not like I'd take a second glance or listen.

Actually, describing myself as a hermit isn't a great example... I mentally sweatdropped at the horrible example I made for myself before focusing back to the female.

"Yes, what can I help you with Neon?" I wasn't sure how to address her, really. I've heard of the Nostrade family being incorporated in Kurapika's cases sometimes, but if the business was something more like secretly collecting body parts, then I'd rather stay on a green light with this girl if I valued my life. And I do now.

She only giggled at me before dismissively waving her hand. "Don't act like that! I'm friendly, not some business partner who'll threaten you for the wrong honorifics!" I hid the deadpanned expression under my collected face.

But your family would...

"So," I resumed, "what do you need? We both have classes so we don't have much time."

Neon pulled her phone out and looked shock, fiddling her phone back into her pocket and walking over next to me. For a second, I think I'm becoming crazy because I see this very popular girl locking our arms together as we walked into the building with bewildered eyes staring at us.

No, I'm not crazy! Forcibly trudging down the hall with a few envious glares burning into my back, I tried pulling back, but this girl's stronger than she looked. She stopped, thankfully, and looked puzzled that I took my arm back.

"What're you doing?" I questioned, still trying to understand what just happened.

She glanced over to me and said in the most nonchalant way, "walking to your class together. Friends always do that."

"And since when were we friends?" I exasperated in confusion.

"A while ago!" Too optimistic... Why does her enthusiasm remind me of- "also, I heard from Kurapika that you were taking on a case from long ago, right?" She pestered me to know about an unsolved case from long ago, huh...

"Er- yeah... I am. And why do you want to know?"

"Kurapika told me about you whenever he comes to work for daddy," she told, and I mentally cringed. "Well, I sometimes ask him. Wait, maybe more often than sometimes. Oh well-!" My ears toned down her constant chattering. Seriously, she might as well be as dense as a chopping board if she doesn't see how I don't care about what she's saying.

For reals, though, what does she see in me? And what has Kurapika been saying about me for? He could simply tell her that he doesn't associate with much people, unless she would see us walking together when we have the chance. I'd understand that. Actually, that could be it, she's pushy when it came to what she wanted to know, see, or hear. Anything.

Thinking back, I could clearly remember that stopped me right after I thought I saw that white-haired idiot. That could've been him following me from the gate. Well, I could just confront him about it later, if he would still show up.

"I never expected Kurapika to know someone else other than that Leorio guy. You look pretty and nice to talk to, approachable even! But he's also a nice person to, I guess, if he's great friends with Kurapika!" Her ramblings were endless. I can't be able to think of how long her friends could talk if she speaks this much over a small thing.

"However, I am happy that you're taking this case! I was afraid that it'll never be solved," she frowned, hands clasped together. "I'm glad I don't need to be too concerned for Killua's safe-"

Excuse me, what? She knows him too? I snapped my head over to Neon after hearing something, and I dare believe it. "Hold on," I paused for second before speaking up again. "You know about the victim, Killua Zoldyck?" I asked her, who nodded exaggeratedly, a small, but sad smile grazed her lips.

"Yeah, of course I know him! How couldn't I know my own boyfriend!" While I am impress that an annoying guy like him could get a girlfriend, I had this small, dreadful and burning feeling in my chest when I heard the news. It should've been great to hear since it means I have a possible lead on his case.

I don't know why, but I felt something in my stomach drop.

Spectral Case 【Ghost! Killua Zoldyck】Where stories live. Discover now