Chapter 10: The Fight for The Highest Points

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Midoriya: I'm borrowing your move, Kacchan! Super Explosive Turbo Boost!

Midoriya jumped forward and landed on the mines, causing a massive explosion, which made everyone stop and look behind them.

Present Mic: There's a huge explosion at the back! What's with that force?!

From the smoke came out Midoriya, flying high while holding onto the piece of metal he had.

All Might: NANI?!

Present Mic: Was that an accident, or was it on purpose?! Class A's Midoriya is now in hot pursuit with that blast!

As he said that, Midoriya had flown right over Bakugo and Todoroki, taking the lead.

Present Mic: Slip that, he's taken the lead!!

Everyone in the stadium had erupted into screams of excitement seeing what Midoriya had done.

Midoriya: I flew just like I'd planned, but there's too much force! And I didn't think about landing!!

An explosion came from behind Midoriya, showing Bakugo right on his tail, along with Todoroki.


Present Mic: What's this? The two formerly in the lead have stopped competing against each other and are now chasing after Midoriya! Now that they have a common enemy, they've aren't fighting! But the fight's not over yet, though!

Aizawa: What are you saying?

Back to the race, Midoriya was losing speed very quick as he was beginning to fall of the plate of armor he was on.

Midoriya: No..I'm losing speed! They'll overtake me in a moment's instant!

Midoriya was in head level with Bakugo and Todoroki, side by side.

Midoriya: If I keep thinking about the time I'd lose landing, there's no way I'd be able to take the lead back...No! Don't let go! Grab ahold of the chance you have to get in front of these two!!

Midoriya grabbed the wire that was attached to the plate of armor, flipped forward, and planted both his feet on their shoulders.

Midoriya: If I can't take the lead, then I can't let them get ahead of me!

He slammed the armor onto the three mines that blew the two of them to the sides, and sent himself flying forward, passing the rest of the minefield, and sprinting with the energy he has left to the finish.

Present Mic: And Midoriya swiftly knocks the two to the side taking the lead! Would you believe it? He cleared the minefield in an instant.

Todoroki and Bakugo has both cleared the smoke as they were nearing the finish.

Present Mic: Eraser Head, your class is amazing! What're you teaching?!

Aizawa: I didn't teach them anything...They got each other fired up on their own.

Back in the stadium, as Midoriya was closing onto the end, he heard a familiar voice from behind him.

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